X-Message-Number: 19851
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2002 23:19:46 +0800 (CST)
From: =?big5?q?kurt2100kimo?= <>
Subject: Cells4Life and Pet Cell Storage

I noticed comments and questions about pet cell
storage as well as what the current status is with
Cells 4 Life. Cells 4 Life no longer exists as a
business entity. We have a plan to re-establish the
service as a new business. However, this will require
a fair amount of capital investment as well as some
automation development. We will have more details in
2-3 months. 

As for the pet cell storage/pet cloning business.
There are already several companies doing this
including a subsidiary of Advanced Cell Technology
(where Micheal West owns most of the patents in this
field). So, we're not planning to do this at this

Best Regards,

Kurt Schoedel

<  C     Yahoo! _   >  www.yahoo.com.tw

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