X-Message-Number: 19877
Date: Fri, 23 Aug 2002 05:17:26 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug Skrecky <>
Subject: dmso and fructose 1,6-diphosphate

Citations: 1-2
  Ischemic stroke in elderly patients treated with a free radical
  scavenger-glycolytic intermediate solution: a preliminary pilot trial.
  Neurological Research.  24(1):73-80, 2002 Jan.
  The safety and tolerability of a free radical scavenger with Na+ channel
  blocking activity (dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO)) combined with
  a glycolytic intermediate and high energy substrate (fructose
  1,6-disphosphate (FDP)) were assessed in a mostly elderly
  patient group presenting with acute and subacute ischemic stroke. Eleven
  patients (average age 65) were given i.v. infusions of
  DMSO-FDP twice daily for an average of 12
  days, while five control patients (average age 63) were given standard
  therapy. Safety and tolerability were evaluated by clinical adverse effects
  to drug therapy. Efficacy of DMSO-FDP was
  assessed by MRI lesion size, by magnetic resonance angiography of ischemic
  territory, and by a 5-point neurologic recovery scale that rated
  sensory-motor function and level of consciousness. Results suggest that
  DMSO-FDP administration is safe,
  well-tolerated and may be of benefit when given within 12 h after the onset
  of stroke symptoms. No significant changes in blood pressure, EKG, heart rate
  or hematology and chemistry profiles, were recorded in any patient receiving
  DMSO-FDP. Neurologic evaluation at 1, 3 and
  6 months after treatments revealed that 7 of 11 (63%) patients given
  DMSO-FDP achieved 'improved' or 'markedly
  improved' status while 1 of 5 (20%) standard treated patients showed
  'improved' status and only at the 3-month follow-up. This preliminary trial
  indicates that DMSO-FDP is well tolerated
  by this group of elderly patients and could be of benefit in reducing
  neurologic disability after stroke.

  Reversal of ischemic-induced chronic memory dysfunction in aging rats with a
  free radical scavenger-glycolytic intermediate combination.
  Brain Research.  779(1-2):285-8, 1998 Jan 1.
  Rats were subjected to bilateral carotid artery occlusion (2-VO) or sham
  occlusion (No-VO) and tested 12 weeks for visuo-spatial memory (VSM)
  function. After 14 weeks, 2-VO rats (N = 4) showing severe visuo-spatial
  memory impairment were given dimethyl sulfoxide
  (DMSO)-fructose 1,6-diphosphate (FDP) i.p.
  for seven days and retested on the water maze. After
  DMSO-FDP, a 54% improvement in their VSM
  was seen which nearly reached control No-VO values. Untreated 2-VO (N = 4)
  and No-VO (N = 8) rats showed no significant changes in their VSM.
  DMSO-FDP treatment was discontinued and
  rats were retested on the water maze but improvement was lost and VSM
  function regressed to pretreatment levels. Immunohistochemical examination
  showed minimal neuronal damage in all 2-VO rats and slight loss of
  microtubule associated protein-2. Glial fibrillary acidic protein
  immunostaining increase was observed only in untreated 2-VO rats. The results
  indicate that a DMSO-FDP combination
  improves VSM secondary to chronic brain hypoperfusion.

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