X-Message-Number: 20535
Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2002 14:59:47 EST
Subject: Re:Schools For Civilization

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> > You can launch a world wide directTV-satcom network
> Try http://www.c2.com/cgi/wiki?SchoolsForCivilization ...
> Peter Merel.

In France, we have a comics strip about a western superhero, in one story 
about law in the west, whatever the evidences (or lack of them), any trial 
summarized to: Hang 'em up! 

For many centuries, when there was no limit to the catholic church power, 
millions of inocents have been burned: whatever the evidence, any trial ended 
with: burn 'em down.

The modern version of that way to do is: nuke 'em all.

Third world poors must be given the possibility of a better life brought by 
education, indeed world TV is the cheapest way to do that. Now do you know 
any government or ruller political, religious, financial,...) who is ready to 
make a reality from that? 

The plain aswer is no! So the first step is to use their way to think: Nuke 
them all.

Now, if you are interested in the subject, "civilized world" is fairly low on 
science and technology education. Why not try to start a free service here 
using Internet? MIT is doing something along that way now. ADSL permits live 
video streaming with 1 Mb/s band pass, This is the best, cheap link we can 
get here is France, I assume similar conditions can be found elsewhere.

Yvan Bozzonetti.


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