X-Message-Number: 20568
From: "Omnedon" <>
Subject: Subject: How terrorism will really hurt us...
Date: Sun, 8 Dec 2002 11:50:49 -0500


I believe that Islam as a fanatical theocracy is in the beginning stages of
its death throes.  It cannot truly compete in modern world markets without
the artificial support of oil and contraband materials.  How one could
comfortably expedite fanatical Islamic state failure politically and
strategically by eliminating access to these monetary sources, I do not

Another big problem is how to contain collateral damage as they fail.  It is
a common component of political strategy to distract a country's populace by
blaming its domestic woes on others.  This kind of strategy can and often
does lead to violence, or the perpetuation thereof.  Hence war, terrorism,
trade restrictions, etc.

While it is often true that whereas some global strife we (the West) have
had our shortsighted hands in, it is still a problem.  (This does not only
apply to fanatical Muslim theocracies.)  My opinion is that leadership in
the West has much more to do with expedient solutions, without regard to the
long term.  Foreign policy has very little to do with ethics; it has
everything to do with the perceived benefits to one's country.  In fairness,
I think it is a kind of arrogance to think that the West is responsible for
all things good and bad in the world.

Limitation of freedom adversely affects efficient use of cryonics.  (This
should be obvious to everyone.)  Religious fanaticism is one major enemy to
freedom.  Can you imagine Alcor trying to operate under Taliban rule?  For
that matter, there are religious fanatics in the US that would stop the use
of cryonics, if they can get the power to stop it, not to mention other
critical kinds of research.  The Middle East does not have a monopoly on
religious fanaticism.

The effective combination of commercialism and entertainment, as time goes
on, has a positive effect.  I do not believe the timetable for such
influence is in centuries, more like generations.  The more people believe
it is achievable to obtain relatively affluent lives as depicted by
Hollywood, the less likely they will be an enemy of the West.  This was a
factor, I believe, in the downfall of the former Soviet Union.  It will
continue to be a factor in the changes coming about in China.  The more
economically entwined the world economies and individuals therein become,
the less those in power will perpetrate wars.  As it is not aesthetically
pleasing to find that everywhere is becoming more Western, it does have
benefits.  (I.e., all major cities, airports, shopping malls are becoming
more and more alike.)  If we can hold out long enough, it may be that
commercialism and entertainment alone will have the greatest sway in
eliminating most of the wars and terrorism.


Of course, I could be wrong.  :)

Uh, done with ranting.  Hope this made some kind of sense.  This is what
happens when I am caffeine deficient...  I hold the alarm clock industry
responsible, and I support caffeine fortification of the water supply.

(Loved Nanogirl's stuff, brilliant.  Who says intelligent people can't be

Best regards,
Ray zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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