X-Message-Number: 2136
From:  (brian manning delaney)
Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,sci.med,sci.med.nutrition,
Subject: RESULT: sci.life-extension passes 237:28
Date: 20 Apr 1993 09:55:12 -0400
Message-ID: <>

The vote to create the proposed group, Sci.life-extension, was

Yes votes:    237.
No votes:      28.

What follows is a list of the people who voted, by vote ("no" or "yes").

<<< For the full 14.5K Byte listing of the voters, please send email
    to me with the Subject line "CRYOMSG 2136.1".  The news group
    should be created within about a week.  Does anybody volunteer
    to provide email distribution of sci.life-extension messages for
    people who do not have access to USENET? - KQB >>>

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