X-Message-Number: 21513
Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2003 18:48:36 -0800 (PST)
From: Christine Gaspar <>
Subject: SARS update

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Today is Sunday the 30th of March. Here is my latest update on SARS in the 
Toronto community.

One of the two health care workers I cared for last Wednesday with SARS was 
intubated Thursday or Friday. I do not know how she is doing.

The number of suspected and probable cases of SARS in Toronto has reached 100. 
Four have died in Toronto so far. 

Two hospitals have closed their doors to the public, including cancelling all 
medical services other than patients already admitted or chemo 
clinics..Scarborough Grace Hospital and York Central Hospital in Richmond Hill.

York Central had the fourth fatality when a patient was transferred from 
Scarborough Grace without isolation precautions to York Central's Intensive Care
Unit. When York Central management found out about this case they freaked out 
and closed the hospital, quarantining most of its staff. Two nurses have since 
come down with SARS as a result of this blunder.

I am going back to work in the morning for the first of 4- 12 hour shifts. Wish 
me luck.

Christine Gaspar

I was dead once, before my birth...I don't want to repeat the experience.
Christine Gaspar (1973- )

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