X-Message-Number: 21547 Date: Sun, 6 Apr 2003 03:24:21 -0400 (EDT) From: Charles Platt <> Subject: SARS update, April 5, 2003 We now have three weeks of SARS data from the World Health Organization; i.e. 18 data points (the bureaucrats at W.H.O. seem to feel no pressing need--yet--to report data on Sundays). The obvious question is: Do the data points constitute a trend? An acquaintance of mine who shall remain nameless (mainly because I wouldn't want to embarrass him) has spent a surprising amount of time plotting curves on log paper in an attempt to measure the "doubling time" of cases in nations where the virus is active. As I recall from my distant educational past, if you have an exponential growth rate, the data should appear as a smooth upward-trending curve on normal graph paper but will be displayed as a straight line on log graph paper; and if you measure the slope of the line, you can derive the doubling time. Unfortunately, if you don't have an exponential growth rate but you are pigheaded enough to plot the numbers on log graph paper anyway, the squiggly lines are open to interpretation, and my acquaintance has seen doubling times which I believe exist only in the eye of beholder. To prove my point I have gone back to basics and plotted the numbers against a normal, arithmetic scale. (Even this is liable to give misleading results if the data are unreliable, but more on that below). If you point your browser to http://www.charlesplatt.com/SARS you will find four graphs showing the number of SARS cases in the USA, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Canada. I have omitted other countries because they have not yielded valuable data. Taiwan, for instance, currently reports 17 cases, having started with 3 on March 18. I can't believe that meaningful trends can be derived from such small numbers. Likewise France, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Romania, Switzerland, Thailand, the UK, Australia, Belgium, and Brazil are reporting a cumulative total of fewer than 10 cases each. Clearly this is not the stuff of which epidemics are made (yet), and you'd have to be extremely paranoid to conclude that there is any significant problem in these nations (yet). At the other extreme is China, which insisted it had a static number of 806 cases from March 27 through April 1, but then revised its total to 1190, and probably has a whole bunch more. Any trend derived from Chinese numbers will be as unreliable as the numbers themselves. Even the nations which supposedly have been cooperating with the W.H.O. have shown sudden variations in their data. Hong Kong, for instance, went from 530 cases to 685 cases in one day, when it decided that pretty much everyone in a single apartment building probably had SARS. Are other apartment buildings similarly infected, but as yet unreported? Maybe, maybe not. Data generally may be underestimated because cases have not been diagnosed, diagnosed cases have not been officially reported, nations have been reluctant to admit that they are infected, and infected people may be in the incubation phase, which is asymptomatic. Conversely, some data may be misleadingly alarming. This is especially true in most Western nations where almost all the cases (so far) are people who were infected elsewhere. According to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, only about 10 percent of cases in the USA are "home grown." Thus the recent disturbing increase in US cases (averaging 15 per day for the past three days) probably is an index of the number of people who sought sanctuary here while inadvertantly bringing with them the disease that they hoped to avoid. So long as they are isolated before they can infect other people, they do not constitute a meaningful local trend. Whether the isolation will be sufficiently prompt to prevent secondary infection is not yet known, especially because we do not know, definitely, if SARS can be transmitted during the incubation period. Another factor affecting the data is that mild SARS cases are more likely to be reported today than three weeks ago, simply because doctors have been alerted to look for the symptoms, and people arriving on airplanes are likewise being told to notify health authorities if they get sick. Having said all that, it's still worth graphing the data for two reasons. First, if a really powerful trend exists, it may be discernible despite all the random factors mentioned above. Second, if a trend is not discernible, this is useful information too--especially when other observers are trying to convince us that such a thing as a "doubling time" exists. The GIF files at my web site speak for themselves. I challenge anyone to draw a smooth, upward-trending curve through those erratic points. So far as I can see, the growth rate has been more or less arithmetic, not exponential; we do not have a measurable doubling time; and therefore we do not have an epidemic (yet). However it is a salutary experience to compare the sheer magnitude of the problem in Hong Kong with the situations in Canada, the United States, and Singapore. A fifth graph at my web site facilitates this comparison and illustrates that (for reasons which remain unexplained) Hong Kong cases have proliferated about six or seven times as fast as cases anywhere else. Thus the primary challenge seems to be containing the Hong Kong problem in Hong Kong. Whether this is possible will depend largely on political and regulatory issues. I conclude that for the time being at least, graphs of SARS cases are of no help whatsoever in predicting the future of the disease outside of Asia. --- PS. For further confirmation that we don't have enough information to determine what's happening, consider this notice from W.H.O.: "The SARS outbreak in Hong Kong SAR has developed an unusual pattern of transmission. This pattern is different from what is being seen in the vast majority of other SARS outbreaks, and is not yet fully understood. The number of cases is continuing to increase significantly, and there is evidence that the disease has spread beyond the initial focus in hospitals." "These developments raise questions related to other routes of transmission, in addition to well-documented face-to-face exposure to droplets released when an infected person coughs or sneezes. Epidemiologists are considering whether SARS is being transmitted in Hong Kong by some environmental means for which no satisfactory explanation has been found. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=21547