X-Message-Number: 21584 Date: Fri, 11 Apr 2003 19:43:31 -0700 From: Carol Shaw <> Subject: Re: major breach of confidentiality I'll try sending this again - it's now alcor_north instead of alcor-north. My cryobay post didn't seem to go through. alcor_north is the local Alcor Northern California list, and may contain people who aren't Alcor members. It has mainly been used for meeting minutes. cryobay includes exi-bay (San Francisco Bay Area Extropians) and cryonet. This wide distribution list is used for SF bay area announcements, as we do pick up people who do not subscribe to alcor_north. Alcor_north used to be included in cryobay, but is no longer included due to a change in list management. So a narrower distribution would be to alcor_north, wider distribution to alcor_north and cryobay. The members of alcor_north are confidential, but posts to the list can't be guaranteed to be confidential. The lists were recently moved from dandelion.com to alcor.org. Perhaps the list names could have been more descriptive. - Carol Shaw (former Alcor Northern California Chairperson) At 01:22 PM 4/9/2003, Anton Sherwood wrote: >Jim's message of April 3 was addressed to alcor_north and cryobay. >Is exi-bay a subscriber to one of those lists? > >-- >Anton Sherwood, http://www.ogre.nu/ Carol Shaw E-mail: Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=21584