X-Message-Number: 21713
Date: Mon, 05 May 2003 11:51:11 -0700
From: James Swayze <>

Subject: An overlooked reason women don't join. They may not see the future we 
References: <>

> Message #21707
> Date: Sat, 03 May 2003 13:25:38 -0400
> From: Keith Henson <>
> Subject: Re: The Scottsdale Syndorme [Paula Lemler]
> >
> >From: Paula Lemler <>
> >Subject: The Scottsdale Syndorme
> >
> >[PL] Mark Plus posed an interesting question, in his aptly named
> >"Scottsdale Syndrome", regarding the ratio of men to women involved in
> >cryonics.  Membership at Alcor is approximately 3.5 males to every
> >female.  And it is true that many women are involved only because their
> >significant other is.  From giving tours of the facility I can tell you
> >that men are more generally prone towards asking technical
> >questions.  Often women want to know if they can be in same dewar with
> >their spouse and family members.  Then there are females like myself who
> >truly are passionate about cryonics.  Personally, the more I learn about
> >Alcor and the more people I meet who are cryonicists, the more passionate I
> >become.  But how do we convince more women to accept the idea?

[JS] From what Paula says above it is clear women are more concerned about the 
feely side of things in general, as we know already, but particularly where an

uncertain future is in  consideration. For what practical purpose does it serve 
ensure that one is in the same dewar as one's spouse and family members? None

whatsoever. This is especially so if we consider that death dates may be several

years or even decades apart. Most of us would ascribe to the notion that there 
is no

"knowing" one's surroundings while 'in the ice' so there is no benefit to being 
to one's loved ones _while_ 'in the ice' but rather during the time before it.

Perhaps we need to appeal more to the time before being 'in the ice' by 
fomenting a

more touchy feely atmosphere or family aspect to cryonics. Paula backs this 
notion up
by her comment that she becomes more passionate as she gets to know the people

involved. I think we do not do enough 'overall' to promote a 'family of 

Carol Shaw as a neat thing going with the Northern California Alcor outings and 
needs to spread some to other regions. Geographic separateness is, of course, a

problem. We as a group don't wish to travel a whole lot because of a perceived 

that it lessens our odds of survival. To some degree this is true but it is 

since it is more dangerous to drive to work each day, in fact even more so just 

the corner market since most auto accidents occur close to home, than it is to 
fly on
an airline... to say, a National All Cryo Summit.

> [KH] It is part of the basic package of human psychology that the men are more
> "risk takers" than women are.  Has to do with the biology of having
> children.  I.e., women didn't have to kill large dangerous animals to
> become parents.  Most of the time, men did.

[JS] I believe this is but the surface of a much deeper issue. The basic 

in men and women do, I think, stem from our hunter gatherer days when women 

and men hunted, generally speaking. There ar some theories about brain 

that point to this time as the cause in the difference between men and women in 

development of a larger corpus cullosum in women allowing increased 

between brain halves. This is used to explain the particularly female ability to

communicate more parallel than men as any man can attest when frustrated at 
interrupted by the spouse while conversing on the phone. Men can't hear two

conversations at once but many women can, I am told, so the spouse thought 
nothing of

adding in her two cents or asking about the milk while her hunter was struggling
just hearing the one conversations in the other ear.

But can it go deeper than this? I think so. I have heard that women's senses are

acute than men's also. I put all this together into a purely gut-science 

that perhaps all the heightened senses and increased communication between brain

halves causes women to perceive the world in more magical terms than men. It is 

that women are more in tune with nature. Can this be more than just a aphorism? 

first ever religions were female based and probably female led. Early on the tie

between the cycles of the moon and the human female reproductive cycle was 
and deified.

I don't mean to lend credence to magical notions. I am first to point out we as 

species have been fooled by our brain's errant response to magnetic fields in 

are called temporal lobe seizures that form ecumenical hallucinations of all 

These range from the angel in the room to the old hag on the chest to out of 

feelings of dread and evil. Only education can clear this fog from the 

human mind. Knowing we are susceptible to such hallucinations in the presence of

anomalous magnetic fields will go a long way to banishing notions of ghosts, 

angels and devils. Still it remains that women were the biggest group of callers

the now proved fraudulent "Ms. Cleo psychic hotline". Why? My gut feeling is 

their gifts of heightened senses and parallel thinking fool them into believing 

is more unseen to nature than seen. It must also be noted that the 

hotline had as a key component a very touchy feely conversational and friendly 
familial entertainment flavor to it.

I don't suggest we couch our movement in mysticism to appeal to a wider base.
However, again, I do feel we could make it more familial.

> [KH] I know people have been discussing how to get more women and men into
> cryonics for a *long* time.  It is not a well understood problem.  If it is

> to be understood, memetics and evolutionary psychology are the places to 

[JS] Ok now to the overlooked reason women may choose not to be involved in 
living in

the future we cryonicist beleve will be. I was talking with a friend whom 
happens to

be my highschool sweetheart. We got back in touch after 20 plus years apart via 

internet. We've been going back and forth about religion and politics and of 
my involvement in cryonics. She feels it is great for me but having a hard time

seeing it for herself. Of particular note is her age now. We are both reaching 
mid forties. She then is pre menopausal and looking forward to it. She's had an

unpleasant time of her monthly cycles over the years and looks forward to 

them behind her. So when I asked her, "Wouldn't you love to be physically 25 

and stay that way forever?", she replies in eloquent Texas vernacular, "Hell no,
was looking forward to no more periods, thank you very much!"

Well of course I tried to tell her that with the magic of nanotechnology surely 

the future those sorts of issues would be made to work more properly if not even

turned on and off at will or perhaps eliminated by having nanobots do the same 

that is the cause for. She couldn't see it, still can't. It is not so easy, for 

that have not emersed themselves in the monumental flood of information involved

learning what the techo heaven future may be like, to get their heads around the

whole techno wondrus future concept. It is not so readilly forthcoming off the 
top of

the head possible answers to yet unasked questions that we that are emersed can 

up on the spot when confronted with a new what if. When you are in the future 

state of mind as I am and I am sure most of us are, you can see a new problem 

extrapolate an answer based on studied principles. We see the present and the 
as if already transformed.

So, how can we get others to join us in having 'pre future thinking' mindsets? 

we do we cannot expect others to join us because we cannot ask for them the 

they may have. They cannot for themselves even ask these questions since they 
are not
confronted by them while not having their minds halfway in the future as we do.

Cryonics Institute of Michigan Member!
The Immortalist Society Member!
The Society for Venturism Member!

MY WEBSITE: http://www.geocities.com/~davidpascal/swayze/

Signature Memetic Virus--The worst enemy of those who now or will need medical 

is the politician and proselytizing religious bigot who proscribes what doctors 

allowed to prescribe and research, with the consent of their patients. Those who

understand this are strongly encouraged to modify this to fit their personality,
add this to their signature file, and organize to recover our freedom from Big
Brother. For those who wait until they are sick, it will be too late. Those who

suffer from diseases which might have been cured by fetal tissue research or 

1 drugs banned by Big Brother, have the right to hold accountable those who sat 
their hands or worse, deferred their responsibility for personal and humanity's

survival to useless gods and pontificating religious quacks, while they remained
and dying.

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