X-Message-Number: 22353 Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 11:29:19 -0400 From: david shumaker <> Subject: SA announces its Standby Based Transport service SUSPENDED ANIMATION ANNOUNCES NATIONWIDE ITS PREMIUM STANDBY BASED TRANSPORT SERVICE Suspended Animation, Inc. has announced that effective immediately it is available to provide advanced professional Standby Based Transport (SBT) to cryonicists signed up with ACS, Alcor or CI from anywhere in the United States. For information regarding the details of this service see: http://www.suspended.org/news/SBT/SA_announces_advanced_SBT.html Ischemic damage is a major threat to patient resuscitation since it may endanger the very fabric of memory in the brain. Irrespective of the amount of cryopreservation damage done to the patient, if ischemia has already destroyed memory before the patient is cryopreserved, there may be little nano-technology or other future medicine can do to recover it. The goal of SA's SBT is to deliver into the cryosuspension process a patient whose total unmitigated normothermic ischemia time has been held to only a few minutes, and whose overall unmitigated pre-suspension cold ischemia time has been kept to only a few hours. SA uses a paid professional SBT team consisting of a Ph.D. Cellular Pharmacologist; a surgically skilled Paramedic; a team leader with experience on numerous standby, transport, and recovery activities; and other experienced personnel. All team members have actual recent transport experience and have trained together as a unit. The team is dispatched from SA's headquarters in Boca Raton, FL by aircraft or local transportation as appropriate and remains with the patient until needed or the crisis is otherwise resolved. With the team comes SA's air transportable patient support system, the most advanced and complete patient treatment system in the cryonics community. The system consists of SA's portable ice bath; with respiration integrated thumper for optimum cardio-pulmonary support; an advanced anti-ischemia and blood stabilizing pharmacological package; SA's bypass washout, cooldown and perfusion system with its integrated temperature, pressure, and flow monitoring equipment and a heat exchanger/ECMO for cooling and oxygenating blood and washout fluid; a large volume of MHP washout fluid and where appropriate glycerol based cryoprotectant; plus surgical and support kits for all contingencies. The team acts immediately upon patient pronouncement to administer anti-ischemia medications, apply cardio-pulmonary support (CPS) and initiate external cooling. Normally, medication and CPS are initiated within seconds of pronouncement with cooling beginning within a couple of minutes. The patient is then quickly transferred to the closest local site suitable for surgery to initiate blood washout with oxygenated and chilled MHP washout fluid, followed by further closed cycle oxygenated cooldown. Once the patient is washed out and cooled to just above freezing, they are either transported by air ambulance for vitrification or freezing or are immediately perfused with glycerol for dry ice freezing on the way to a custodial facility. In any case, beginning seconds after death the patient is medicated, kept oxygenated, is cooled to just above freezing, may or may not be cryoprotected, and is transported by air ambulance. (Note that this is a nominal description of the process and each case may vary to some degree from the norm.) SA reminds all cryonicists that SA does not store cryonics patients and persons contemplating using SA for SBT must contract with Alcor or CI (or via ACS with one of the above companies) for long term custodial care. SA believes ischemic time is the greatest single enemy of successful cryopreservation and professional SBT is the best current means of mitigating it. Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=22353