X-Message-Number: 22546
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: Small price to pay
Date: Sat, 20 Sep 2003 08:42:52 -0700

Charles Platt wrote:
 > Even if resuscitation turns out to be possible, I will be
 > facing decades of oblivion in the interim.

Small price to pay.

First, the decades of oblivion would not seem any longer than having had a good 
night's sleep feels to us now.  

Second, for the non-cryonicist (you, Charles, if you did not try for it)  you 
would instead be facing an eternity of oblivion.  Its not like you have the 
choice of decades of oblivion or no oblivion and just eternal live - you don't.
The only choice you have is maybe just decades of oblivion or eternal 

Last, even if you did have some feeling of decades of oblivion that would be a 
small price to pay for the prospect of greatly extended life or physical 

Cheer up!  What do you have to lose?  There is no penalty for trying for 


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