X-Message-Number: 22649
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: To move or not to move - that is the question
Date: Sun, 5 Oct 2003 11:42:32 -0700

To Move or Not to Move - That is the Question

Christine said:  "With regards to the difficulties surrounding Alcor and CI 
these days, one can always consider relocating cryonics services to Canada."

Actually B.C. Canada already has laws that discriminate against cryonics. Some 
American cryonicists, Mike Darwin, have been barred from entering Canada.

 There is a real danger in moving any cryonics organization.  The chances are 
 the new place will be worse.  Alcor and CI are having some difficulties right 
 now, but in my experienced judgement both companies will overcome these, unless
 some new horrible thing is uncovered.  Moving to anywhere else would be a big 
 gamble.  Successful cryonics companies don't gamble (unless they are forced 
 to), because they are responsible for a lot of helpless people (the patients) 
 who cannot fend for themselves.

I don't think Alcor will be moving unless things get as bad for them as they did
in the 90s in California. Then there was no choice - move or be ground to dust.
("Ground to dust" is my personal opinion of what would have happened if Alcor 
has stayed there - I am sure there are some old timers, like myself, who might 
disagree with my assessment.)



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