X-Message-Number: 22751 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: CRYOFEAST Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2003 15:56:16 -0800 Hi All. The Alcor December Cryofeast will be held at the Creekside Lodge in Mayer Arizona on December 21 st (a Sunday). EVERY CRYONICIST IS INVITED. We will furnish a turkey(s) and and each attendee can bring a pot luck type entree. There will be special rates for any cryonicist who comes early and wants a cabin Saturday evening. This will be a good time to meet the new Alcor president and say goodbye to the outgoing president. To get to the Creekside Lodge, go north on Interstate 17 from Phoenix to Cordes Junction (about 50 miles) and then turn northwest on State Highway 69 and go about 6 miles to the lodge. More info later ---- David and Trudy Pizer Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=22751