X-Message-Number: 22774 Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 18:30:36 -0800 Subject: Xenon as sedative/neuroprotectant From: Kennita Watson <> It's the comment about neuroprotective effects that caught my eye. Kennita ----- from http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/463368?mpid=20655 : Xenon Effective, Well-Tolerated as Sedative for Critically Ill Patients Mindy Hung Oct. 24, 2003 Xenon is effective and well-tolerated as a sedative for critically ill patients, according to results of a randomized crossover trial published in the October issue of Critical Care Medicine. "Xenon's reported lack of effect on the myocardium, cardiac index, arterial blood pressure, and vascular resistance makes it theoretically attractive for the sedation of the critically ill. This contrasts with the well-known myocardial depressive effects of propofol," write Amit Bedi, MD, and colleagues, from the Royal Group of Hospitals in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Investigators studied 21 patients (15 men and 6 women; median age, 63 years) capable of giving written informed consent who required mechanical ventilation after elective thoracic surgery. They excluded patients with a history of epilepsy or evidence of hepatic or renal dysfunction. Subjects also had Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores evaluated at admission. Thirty minutes before the anticipated end of surgery, anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane in oxygen for 10 subjects randomized to group A and 11 subjects randomized to group B. One unblinded clinician administered all sedatives and analgesics. Group A received a standard sedation and analgesia regimen of intravenous propofol (2%) at 0 to 5 mg/kg-1/hr-1 and alfentanil 30 g/kg-1/hr-1 for eight hours. Investigators then stopped the drugs and noted the time when patients began to appear restless, at which point they began sedation using variable concentrations of xenon in oxygen-enriched air as required. Group B received eight hours of xenon in oxygen-enriched air as the initial form of sedation. Medication was then stopped and investigators initiated the propofol-alfentanil regimen for eight hours when the subjects' consciousness level increased. At the request of the blinded attending nurse or physician, investigators provided additional analgesia as needed, using boluses of alfentanil 250 g. If patients required more than six boluses in an hour, physicians began an infusion of alfentanil at a rate equivalent to the previous hour's requirement. Nurses were instructed to increase medication to ensure that patients had a Ramsay sedation score of either 2 or 3. Nurses also requested the unblinded operator to provide additional analgesia if subjects seemed to be in pain or sore. A physician, unaware of ongoing sedation, administered inotropes, fluids, blood, and other drugs according to the patients' requirements. Xenon was delivered using a novel bellows-in-bottle breathing interface driven by a conventional intensive care ventilator. It was not visible to caregivers and allowed routine tracheal suctioning and physiotherapy procedures to be performed. Investigators successfully sedated all patients during the xenon regimen. The mean (SD) end-tidal xenon concentration required to provide sedation throughout the duration of the study was 28% 9.0% (range, 9%-62%). In patients receiving the propofol regimen, arterial systolic, diastolic, and mean pressures showed a greater tendency for negative gradients (P < .05, P < .10, and P < .01, respectively). Patients receiving the xenon sedative regimen achieved a Ramsay sedation score of 1 in a significantly shorter time than those receiving the standard regimen (P < .0001). Hematologic and biochemical laboratory markers fell within normal clinical limits for both groups. Dr. Bedi and colleagues acknowledge that clinically used sedatives have been subjected to more rigorous preclinical safety testing than xenon. They also note that changes in Ramsay sedation scores are a crude assessment of offset of sedative effect; but they counter that there were marked differences between emergence times for the regimens. "We have shown that it is feasible to use xenon for intensive care unit [ICU] sedation and propose that it may have advantages over standard drugs in the sedation of hemodynamically unstable patients such as those recovering from myocardial infarction, endotoxemia, cardiomyopathy, or closed head injury," they write. "The use of a specially designed close-circuit ventilation system minimized the cost while allowing routine tracheal suctioning and physiotherapy procedures to be performed." In a related editorial, Thomas Marx, MD, from the University of Ulm in Germany, wrote that xenon's neuroprotective effects may reduce the length of ICU stay, which might offset its high price. "Prolonged ICU stay due to neuronal damage after cardiac bypass surgery alone is regarded to cost $2-4 billion in the United States annually," he notes. He adds, "It is an important milestone for xenon's future to demonstrate how xenon could be administered during ICU therapy. I regret that the authors did not measure the real xenon usage to give a rough estimation of the expected costs." Crit Care Med. 2003;31:2470-2477, 2556-2557 Reviewed by Gary D. Vogin, MD Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=22774