X-Message-Number: 22800 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: Need your opinion. Date: Sat, 8 Nov 2003 23:21:49 -0800 Can anyone tell me what is wrong (if anything) with the argument below? 1. All moral value emanates from living beings. Without life there is no morality. 2. So, to have any morality, we must first have life. Life is a necessary condition for morality to exist. 3. Since it is moral to seek morality, it is moral to seek the underlying necessary condition for morality - life. 4. If life can have any morality, long life can have more morality than short life (all other things being equal), and eternal life can have more morality than limited life. The most amount of morality possible, (in principle), is infinite morality. For a creature to obtain infinite morality, he/she must first have infinite life. Physical immortality is a necessary condition for infinite life. 5.. If it is most moral to strive for the most life - physical immortality, then it is immoral not to. Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=22800