X-Message-Number: 22835 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: Getting the word out Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 18:06:27 -0800 GET THE WORD OUT: When we printed up the last issue of PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY a week ago, the printer accidently printed up a couple hundred extra copies. The printer gave them to us at no charge. We don't want these to go to waste. So if you know of a place where they might do some good informing others about our goals, contact me and I will send you some at no charge. Some possible areas to place these might be: In waiting rooms, at librarys, as a gift to schoolmates, professors or teachers, friends or in brochure racks. Or if you have some idea where these might be placed to do some good, please contact me. Email me your mailing address and how many copies you want. JOIN IN THE NEW DISCUSSIONS: We will be discussing ways that cryonicists can try to chance the way the majority of people today feel about cryonics and extended lifespan. We now have our own site. Tune in join us. I invite you to join the Venturist Discussion Group. To become a permanent member of the group go to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Venturists and sign in. David Pizer Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=22835