X-Message-Number: 23000
Date: Tue, 02 Dec 2003 23:35:19 -0800
From: James Swayze <>
Subject: For J.T. Searcy regardiing support of Shrub


Wasn't it from you that I borrowed my sig from? If so then according to 
this line, "Those who suffer from diseases which might have been cured 
by advanced medical research or schedule 1 drugs banned by Big Brother, 
have the right to hold accountable those who sat on their hands", may I 
then hold you acountable for the setbacks to stem cell and SCNT 
research? I'm diabetic and paralysed so thanks a lot for supporting Bush.

I find it incredible that you, of all people, would suggest that 
receiving a bribe from Shrub, in the form of a tax cut, was worth enough 
for you to sell away your own and my/our future and that of life 
extension in exchange for your support of this moron George W. Bush.

You really have an instinct for survival man. Or haven't you been 
listening to the words, "Leon Kass, President Bush's head of Council on 
Bioethics" and "Kass wants us dead"?

Any Democrat is better than Bush and any other conservative deathist. I 
really don't understand the Libertarian dislike of Liberals, when they 
both stand for personal freedom and both stem from the root latin word 
for Liberty. If you think not then what is the ACLU all about going 
about protecting personal human rights? Oh and conservatives are for 
less government? Not on your life, they only mean less as in 
dictatorship. Think not, check up on what Ashcroft is doing. He and the 
FBI want protestors treated as terrorists. So much for conservatives 
protecting freedom of speech. right to assembly, etc. etc.


Cryonics Institute of Michigan 	http://www.cryonics.org
The Immortalist Society 	http://www.cryonics.org/info.html
The Society for Venturism 	http://www.venturist.org
Immortality Institute 		http://www.imminst.org

MY WEBSITE: http://www.davidpascal.com/swayze/

Signature Memetic Virus--The worst enemy of those who now or will need medical 
care is the uninformed politician or moral fanatic who proscribe what doctors 
are allowed to prescribe and research, with the consent of their patients. Those
who understand this are strongly encouraged to modify this to fit their 
personality, and add this to their signature file, and organize to recover our 
freedom from Big Brother. For those who wait until they are sick, it will be too
late. Those who suffer from diseases which might have been cured by advanced 
medical research or schedule 1 drugs banned by Big Brother, have the right to 
hold accountable those who sat on their hands or worse, deferred their 
responsibility for personal and humanity's survival to unseen mystical agents, 
while they remained ill and dying.

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