X-Message-Number: 23105
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: cryofeast - News
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 2003 21:53:21 -0800

You are invited to a celebration.  Come to the annual Alcor Cryofeast on Sunday 
Dec 21st and meet Alcor's new President and first lady Joe and Sylvia Waynick, 
and say goodbye to retiring Dr. Jerry Lemler and Paula Lemler.  


"I feel very privileged to have been selected by the Board of Directors as the 
new CEO/President. I am looking forward to continuing Alcor's progress with 
improving our ability to provide the best suspension capability current science 
can offer as well as the continued long-term care of our patients.

Alcor and the cryonics industry itself are facing increasing challenges in our 
society from government regulation of cryonics, public acceptance, and legal 
opposition to our pursuit of longevity and ultimately reanimation. I am 
confident that as a team we will overcome any social and technological obstacles
we face. 


Meanwhile, this is a season of joyous celebration and my wife Sylvia and I are 
both looking forward to the upcoming Cryofeast at the Creekside Resort. We hope 
to meet many of you there in person to share in the holiday festivities and to 
answer any questions you may have."

Joe Waynick



From Phoenix go north on Interstate 17 to Cordes Junction.  Turn northwest on 
State Highway 69 for six miles and you are there.

The even starts around noon and goes into the evening.  


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