X-Message-Number: 23240 From: Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 10:07:29 EST Subject: Please, no thread on global warming, aka "Warming Warning" Hello, Fellow cryoneters, Like many of you, I sometimes wonder how far "off topic" an item may be for cryonet. But I belong to the "big tent" philosophy, and it makes sense to me that politics, religion, science, epistemology, law, speculation, and general bullshitting around are ALL appropriate in this forum. The reason and rationale for the above is that we have very little actual scientific and totally "on point" cryonics issues to deal with. Real cryonics research is quite slow. If we are being terribly harsh and accurate, and define scientific progress as "outcomes of experiments printed in prestigious and peer reviewed journals" the progress of cryonics research is precisely "Zero." So, we must be nonjudgmental about speculations in many matters NOT directly cryonics related. But I plead with you, Charles and James, to NOT try to solve the virtually intractable determination of "global warming" in this venue! (Despite my admiration and respect for both of you, and the charm, humor, and compelling nature of your observations/referrences....no, I am not being facetious.) Call it a draw, go to respective corners, and let's talk about how we as Individuals and a small "collective" can assist CI, ALCOR, and Suspended Animation Incorporated in their vital task of researching reversible biostasis. Or talk/speculate about the new ALCOR CEO. Or about how you, yes, YOU individually, dear reader, can convince your best friend or beloved family member that s/he should call Rudi Hoffman to find out how affordable the biostasis option may be for him/her. Probably the most practical and effective activity each of us can ACTUALLY accomplish for the benefit of cryonics as a whole. Or discuss outlandish and pre-tried or unfundable marketing plans related to getting this meme more well accepted. Or why the hell we have no cryonics gathering scheduled in the foreseeable future, since the last conference I spoke at in California a few years back. Or whether any of are going to the next Extro conference, or Foresight Conference, or to visit and support Suspended Animation to provide moral and financial support. Or the Bright movement and how this can benefit cryonics and other memes dear to our hearts...err...minds. And how we can individually step up to the plate and sponsor a cryonics/extropian/transhumanist/pro-technology gathering in our own area. Or a zillion things which may have a minuscule chance of saving our individual lives and the lives of forward thinking people we care about. Yes, one can argue that global warming is relevant if it causes issues which make cryonics less workable. And I am truly not trying to chastise or play "big brother" with anyone. (I know how well this would go over in *this antiauthoritarian group! LOL) I just would like us to individually commit to bringing the BEST of ourselves to this sacred forum. Please. Also know, Charles and James, that your credibility will remain intact even if you let a question or outrageous comment go unresponded to. Here endeth this respectful request. Warmly, Fondly, Respectfully, Yours For Centuries, Rudi Hoffman Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII" [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=23240