X-Message-Number: 23270 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 17:54:33 -0800 To Cryonet & Venturist discussion group copies to past supporters Hi all. I have just started re-reading "We froze the first man" by Bob Nelson. What struck me as important to note was that in the 1960's when cryonics first started, there was a lot of enthusiasm that is missing now for the concept of physical immortality. The press (Life Magazine, Johnny Carson etc.) were positive on the concept of the prospect of immortality. Compare this to how we now portray cryonics and it seems that all the press we get is about defending out actions involved with frozen dead bodies. No wonder our movement is stagnated. We are talking now about frozen cadavers and licenses to freeze dead people and parts of dead people instead of talking about our ultimate goal of not having to die. We are negative and defensive instead of positive and optimistic in a lot of our public posture. Physical immortality is exciting. Freezing dead people is morbid. In that spirit, the Venturists have created a magazine called PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY where we try to get back on track of exciting people to our ideas of defeating death. You can help. We need articles for our next magazine which is due to be mailed out March 1st. (The January issue is being printed now and will be mailed in a few days). Please send your submissions to Mike Perry within the next 30 days. Mike needs to get the material as early as possible so he can get caught up. Mike, and those who have contributed in the past, have done a wonderful job so far. PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY now has a list of regular subscribers and is offered for sale in some retail magazine stores. Slowly we are getting the excitement of our movement to the general public. Besides contributing, we need more subscribers to help defray the cost of the magazine. So here are some things you can do to help enlarge the immortality movement: 1. Submit an article to the PI magazine. (Send to Mike Perry) 2. Buy a subscription. 3. Buy a friend(s) a gift subscription. 4. Send a donation to help underwrite the costs. (Send to The Venturists, 11255 State Route 69, Mayer Az 86333). Thanks to everyone for their past support. "Cryonics:" We are not freezing dead people, we are saving live people." David Pizer, President Society for Venturism Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=23270