X-Message-Number: 23332 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY, you know you want it. Date: Tue, 27 Jan 2004 20:33:38 -0800 What is in the current (1st quarter 2004) issue of PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY??? Cryonics news including EXTROPY INSTITUTE VS BIOETHICS ESTABLISHMENT (Leon Kass) An article about ACTIVISM FOR HEALTHY LIFE EXTENSION by Fowler BUILDING A HOME FOR IMMORTALS by Klein Fiction - THE MAKING OF A SMALL WORLD Perry Fiction - BIRTH SCARS Donaldson RELIGION, CRYONICS AND VENTURISM Perry Two books reviewed -- Donaldson THE CRYCIBLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS & THE NEUROSCIENCE OF LANGUAGE CONSIDERING DEATH IN TIMES GONE BY J. deRivaz Book Reviewed - Plus THE PROGRESS PARADOX How Life gets better while people feel worse. FACT OR FICTION C. deRivaz WHY MOST PEOPLE DON'T LIKE US --- by Dr. Lemler WHY ARE WE DIFFERENT? Pizer PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY AND THE SOCIETY FOR VENTURISM Perry Walk into your local bookstore or magazine shop and say "I want PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY!" If they don't have it, ask them to order it for you from the wholesale distributor - Desert Moon Periodicals in Santa Fe, NM. Or, you can buy a subscription for the year 2004 by sending $24 to: The Venturists, 11255 State Route 69, Mayer Az 86333. Not only will you get the above issue, but three more during the year. Including articles later this year on: The extremely rare issue of LIFE magazine which came out in Feb 3, 1967 and production was stopped when only a small amount of copies had been printed. This issue of LIFE had a great and positive article on cryonics with lots of great pictures. How would the cryonics movement have been different if this issue had been produced and distributed???? We also plan to have articles about the Dora Kent affair, and the Chattsworth cryonics disaster when frozen cryonics patients were unfrozen and destroyed. PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY - Don't be shy, you know you want it! Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=23332