X-Message-Number: 23417
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: Clear the air
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 20:48:34 -0800

David Hayes of S.A  said:    "Mr. Pizer is openly critical of SA and has stated 
that he will not use our companies' services."

Sadly, you have mistaken my interest in knowing more about your organization as 
being critical.  The only thing I was critical about was how you reported on 
your failure to obtain permission to do cryonics and tried to spin it as a good 

I have not said I would not use any cryonics company.  Like all cryonicists, I 
will pick the one I think can do the best job in the short and long run, is the 
most honest and best run, has the best suspension capability and storage 
capability, and if there is some reason they cannot perform at the time of need,
I will chose the next one, and so on.


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