X-Message-Number: 2349
From:  (Thomas Donaldson)
Subject: CRYONICS.announcement
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 93 23:34:20 PDT


The INSTITUTE FOR NEURAL CRYOBIOLOGY has just finished the process of incorpor-
ation. It is a nonprofit society founded by cryonicists with the main purpose
of publishing a scientific journal:


There are no ambitions for this journal to become, in short order, a leading
journal in which every scientists clamors to be published. In fact, any 
cryonicist doing work bearing on neurocryobiology (anything to do with 
preservation of the brain) is urged to try to publish in more prestigious
journals first. We aim, of course, to promote this journal and eventually to
turn it into a scientific periodical respected by all; but given the present
public opinion of cryonics, that aim may take a long time to be fulfilled.

NEUROCRYOBIOLOGY exists, fundamentally, because as cryonicists we have noted
that significant journals in the field deny publication to any cryonicist
reporting any experiments bearing on cryonics. So, if all your attempts to
standard journal fail, and you still believe you have something of scientific
or technological interest to say, NEUROCRYOBIOLOGY exists to fill the gap.

And please don't misunderstand. The best way for us to promote our journal is
to publish good papers. And so with that in mind, your papers will receive a
careful reading by referees who will scrutinize it for sloppy work, errors,
lack of reference to previous relevant scientific work, or any of the other
sins a paper can commit. And finally, they will judge it by the advance it
makes on the problems of cryonic suspension.

We hope to appear quarterly; but fundamentally, we will appear whenever 
enough papers arrive suiting our high standards. As do many scientific
journals, we will have page charges if you can pay them, but if you can not
pay then that will not influence our decision about publishing your paper.
NEUROCRYOBIOLOGY will be sold by the issue, with a current issue price
we estimate to be $25.

All papers judged by the referees to be relevant to neurocryobiology will
be considered for publication. However we do strongly favor papers with
some experimental content.

				Thomas Donaldson, Editor
				Chairman of the Board, INC


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