X-Message-Number: 23811 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: Memories are not the most important part of "you" Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2004 17:23:50 -0700 A Philosophical Look at Memories and Survial of the Individual From: David Pizer The recent discussions about memories on Cryonet are more evidence for the conclusion I have been arguing (on the philosophical nature of identity survival that is concerned with survival of a person) for the last 20 years. --- that conclusion is: Memories are not the most important thing that makes you you. The most important thing about you is your ability to feel awareness. Each person *is* a unique awareness sensor. This thing (UAS) is a part of your brain and it is made of brain meat. It is the central part of any person and all the rest of the brain and body are accessories of it. It exists over time in specific space, therefore it is a one and only. This leads to an important conclusion -- that the ONLY way for a person to survive is to save his UAS (unique awareness sensor). One cannot survive by creating a so-called duplicate, (in fact it is impossible to really duplicate a specific UAS), nor can one survive by uploading or downloading. Nor can one survive by only saving DNA or only saving memories. The only way to survive is for your brain to survive (the part of your brain that senses awareness). So if you are really serious about survival, at the present time your only option is to have your brain saved, and at present the only way to do that (should you be unfortunate enough to suffer legal death) is through cryonics. If you want eternal life (if that is even possible because physical immortality alone is not enough, we need the universe to also be or become eternal - which I also have an argument below that it is) you are going to need for your UAS to become an un-aging hunk of living tissue. Reversing aging should not be very hard to do in the next couple hundred years. Once that is done, you then need to get this hunk of tissue to the safest place in the universe. After that you merely need to work with other UAS's to keep the universe from winding down. You should have billions of years to work on that problem. So I hope I have laid out an interesting plan for those who want to live forever. If any part of this interests you, then I suggest you check out the Society for Venturism. This is the religion for those who think they want to live forever. David Pizer Why is the universe eternal? Something cannot come from nothing. Something exists now Therefore something has always existed Therefore something will always exist Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=23811