X-Message-Number: 24048 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: Walford -- another mistake Date: Wed, 5 May 2004 15:45:24 -0700 The below is a quote that is from Walford's daughter: "Roy was interested in being cryopreserved under the best of conditions, with immediate circulatory bypass at the hospital or hospice. We were in the process of signing up and negotiating terms to meet his pre-requisites. Specifically, he did not think cryonics with brain ischemia longer than a couple of hours was worth the effort." David's comments: In my opinion, this is another of many mistakes people make relating to cryonics. The post appears to show that Roy only thought of repair and reanimation with today's tools or tools of the early future. Who knows what tools will be available to infer true earlier conditions, say, 1000 years from now ---- or 10,000, and then be able to recreate those conditions. It makes no difference to the person in cryonic suspension if they can't be revived in just 100 years as long as they can be revived sometime in the future. It seems to me that Roy made the mistake of not signing up for cryonics and the mistake of choosing the wrong person (so the results seem to show) as having the power to make cryonics decisions for him. I would urge every person who respects life to take a chance on cryonics, a chance of any odds above zero is better than no chance at all. Don't wait for perfect conditions - they may not come in your lifetime, don't depend on anyone else to do it for you if you have the ability to do it yourself. David Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=24048