X-Message-Number: 24280
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2004 20:06:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug Skrecky <>
Subject: 140'th update on fly longevity experiments

    This is the 140'th update of my fly longevity experiments. Average
temperature was 22.1 C during this run. Estimated maximal longevity using
the formula (363 - T*11.2) is 115 days.
    My previous effort at testing ling zhi (or ganoderma lucidum) was with
a supplement which in fact had only a small amount of ling zhi in it. Here
I set the record straight, by testing Jilin brand powdered mushroom. Also
with reports coming in that nicotine may exert an  anti-dementia effect, I
try feeding my flies a little tobacco.
    Both ganoderma lucidum and tobacco turned out be duds. For some
mysterious reason pollen allergy capsules from Chinatown had a mild
beneficial effect on maximal lifespan.

Run #140               Percent Survival on Day
supplement                11 19 29 35 41 46 57 62 69 74 82 87 92 97
control one               82 78 65 57 43 32 12 10 10  7  2  2  0  -
control two               84 72 56 56 56 50 31 28 22 13  3  0  -  -
buckwheat flour 1/2 tsp   87 76 64 49 47 33 11  7  2  2  2  0  -  -
buckwheat flour 2 tsp     95 90 58 42 26 32 24 18  5  0  -  -  -  -
ganoderma lucidum 300 mg  95 87 73 70 57 54 38 32 14  8  3  0  -  -
ganoderma lucidum 600 mg  94 82 79 73 67 52 24 24 12 12  0  -  -  -
ganoderma lucidum 1200 mg 90 79 62 62 52 45 24 21  3  3  0  -  -  -
ganoderma lucidum 2400 mg 87 77 58 56 50 46 27 23 15  4  0  -  -  -
oyster sauce 1/2 tsp      92 87 79 77 66 62 34 17  4  4  4  4  0  -
oyster sauce 2 tsp        96 79 69 65 65 48 38 25 15  4  0  -  -  -
pollen allergy (1 cap)    80 63 60 55 43 23  8  8  5  5  5  5  3  0
pollen allergy (4 caps)   83 69 62 60 43 36 17 17  7  5  2  2  2  0
tobacco 1/2 tsp           87 82 71 68 47 42 18 11  5  5  0  -  -  -
tobacco 2 tsp             94 89 78 70 57 39 11  7  2  2  0  -  -  -

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