X-Message-Number: 24329 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: An immortalist's holiday Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2004 22:36:21 -0700 It's July 4th and an American's thoughts are about independence. So......... From time to time we see various cryonicists/immortalists suggesting different days to be *our* holiday - a time when we could all get together and celebrate. For instance some have suggested Bedford's birthday as a sort of cryonicist's Xmas. There have been other reasons for other days to be our holidays. What I think we want the most is a sort of immortalist independence day to be a day to celebrate our desire for freedom from death - there can be no greater freedom for man than this. The United States celebrates its independence from Great Briton on July 4th. Other countries have their own independence day. Usually for a certain day to be noted as the day of independence, a certain event has to have happened on that day to signify the independence. We cryonicists haven't obtained independence from death yet, (unless it turns out that people we are freezing now will be revived and made immortal in the future), yet we could still pick a day that we *declare* our desire and intentions for such independence. A day that we get together each year and all declare publicly that we want to achieve physical immortality and we want to be independent from death. From that day forward we would publicly act as if we were in a battle against death and for immortality for all. For some of us we have been acting informally this way for some time, but perhaps now is a time for all of us to band together and state it formally for the whole world to know of our intentions. ???? We could call a press conference and have a big party. Any thoughts on this? David Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=24329