X-Message-Number: 24402
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 2004 22:23:10 EDT
Subject: deprenyl for dogs

Content-Language: en

Deprenyl (selegiline, eldepryl,  jumex) for many years has been one of the 
"possibly" effective anti-aging  supplements for humans. The material below, 
taken from the web, was written by a  veterinarian. One of the interesting 
sentences is 
>the high frequency with which the syndrome [cognitive dysfunction] is  seen 
in older dogs >does not make it normal. 
I wonder if this doctor would agree that aging itself, in dogs or humans,  
isn't normal? After all, the primary meaning of "normal" is right or healthy,  
not "typical" or usual. 
Also, of course, the efficacy of deprenyl in treating cognitive dysfunction  
of old dogs suggests that it may improve or extend life for old humans. 
Robert Ettinger 
Pet owners have long been frustrated  by age related behavior problems 

involving loss of house-training, apparent  memory loss or disorientation, sleep

disturbances (either waking at the wrong  time or sleeping unusually deeply) and
loss of interest in social activities  with the family. Such behavior changes 
are often written off as being normal  aging. A recent study at the University 
of California School of Veterinary  Medicine demonstrates how common these 
observations are: out of 69 dogs  participating, 32% of 11 year old dogs were 
affected by this syndrome and that  100% of dogs 16 years of age older were 
Still, the high frequency with which the syndrome is seen in older dogs does  
not make it normal. Other studies have shown that dogs affected by this 

syndrome  show deposition of a protein called amyloid in their brains in 
very  similar to the amyloid plaques found in the brains of humans with 
Alzheimer   s  disease.  
Cognitive dysfunction is associated with depletion of dopamine, the  

neurotransmitter mentioned above. As described above, also, L-Deprenyl helps  
dopamine activity which may account for part of its efficacy in treating  
cognitive dysfunction. Further, dopamine breakdown results in harmful  

biochemicals known as free radicals. The use of L-Deprenyl also helps reduce  
amounts of 
free radicals in the brain. 

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