X-Message-Number: 24408
From: "David Pizer" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 2004 01:19:54 -0700

Hi Cryofriends

Things are really going well at the Creekside Lodge in Mayer Arizona.  It has 
been raining the last few days and that really cools it off into the 70s and 80s
in the day and real cool in the evenings.  The desert has a lovely aroma after 
a rain and all the plants are green and beautiful.  Lots of animals come out to 
play, deer, javalina, bunnies and we even saw a baby bobcat down by the creek a 
few weeks ago.

I have recently sold my two motels in the ski country in California and brought 
the manager, Mark Plus, over here from California to help John run the 
Creekside.  It is really nice to have a little cryonics community budding.  
There have been several other cryonicists looking at property around here and 
are planning to move here soon.

We are going to be opening our restaurant and cantina next month.  We will 
specialize in Mexican food.  We have hired the great granddaughter of Pancho 
Villa, famous Mexican grommet and revolutionary.  She has agreed to share 
long-thought-lost secret recipes.    We will be featuring "Pancho's Food to Die 
For!"  These are the meals Pancho's brave men partook of before charging the 
machine gun nests or throwing themselves on a grenade.  Many people think Pancho
fought for political reasons, but the real reason was to protect the secret 
rfamily es and now they shall be revealed for everyone to enjoy, even 
Federalies.  Come by for some of our great food and wash it down with a big jug 
of ice cold Tequila and then a siesta in your own in-room jacuzzi.

We hope to double our business with the opening of the restaurant.  Then in a 
year or so, we plan to triple the number of individual cabins.  The new ones 
will be little log cabins with fireplaces and a Jacuzzi right in the middle of 
the bedroom.

Since we have a nucleus of cryonicists living and working here we all spend our 
spare time working on the world's fastest-growing cryonics magazine PHYSICAL 
IMMORTALITY.  We have recently found some new distributors and we are now 
signing up special agents that sell subscriptions to waiting rooms like in 
doctors' offices and libraries and such.   Mike Perry has done a splendid job as
editor and the magazine gets better every quarter.  We appreciate all the 
compliments and hope we can continue to please everyone.  If you are not getting
PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY you can sign up by sending $24 to The Venturists at 11255
State Route 69, Mayer Arizona  86333.  you can also buy a full page 
advertisement in the magazine for $200 per quarter.  What a great way to reach 
so many Immortalists.  If you have a book or some other items to promote let us 
know.  PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY makes a great gift for that friend of yours that you
want to introduce to cryonics.  Four quartes for $24 - what a bargain!

The BEST NEWS is that Trudy and I have also started another fabulous, new 
business here at the Creekside.  We are raising, showing, breeding and selling 
the world's most beautiful animals, Friesian Horses.  These are the large, 
black, beautiful horses that the knights galloped into battle on.  They also 
pull(ed) the carriages for the Kings and Queens of Europe for centuries.  These 
great steeds have the very very long manes and hair from above their hooves 
called "feathers."  They sell for $25,000 to $100,000 for brood mares, and 
approved stallions (only a handful in the world) sell for over $1,000,000 each.
Our goal is to reach 100 brood mares and have 100 babies each year.  It is 
healthy for these horses to have one baby per year for 20 years.    When you are
visiting our facility please visit our equestrian center.

There is no more enjoyable way to make a living and experience a wonderful 
quality of life than to work at a facility .like the Creekside.  The beautiful 
surroundings, the loving magnificent horses, the soon-to-be fun-filled evenings 
running the cantina.   Those of us who live and work here thank our lucky stars 
each evening (and in the clear Mayer skies there are a lot of stars) for the 
opportunity to exist here in Mayer at the Creekside.  

YOUR GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY AWAITS.  The very best news is that with all the 
expansion and the prospect of even more expansion in a few years when we build 
the cryonics community, we need some more workers.  We prefer to hire 
cryonicists who will become the core of an exciting intellectual cryonics 
community.  We need cooks, waiters, wranglers, horse trainers and grooms.  Sure 
there is some physical work involved, but that keeps the body in good shape.  
And there is a lot of mental challenging work and all those philosophical nights
we will sit around the campfire and wax philosophically.    It doesn't get any 
better than this folks.

If you would like to relocate to our high desert paradise which is just one hour
north of Phoenix drop me a line.  Tell me  a little about yourself, what your 
dreams and desires are and what you would like to do.  How much money you need 
to make to live on.  Some of our employment opportunities include a lovely free 
place to live and all your meals.

Even if your plans to move here are in the future, drop me a line and introduce 

Happy Trails to You, Forever.

David Pizer

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