X-Message-Number: 24437 Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 08:57:36 -0400 From: Thomas Donaldson <> Subject: aging and our brains For James Swayze and others interested: Several different forms of transplanted brain tissue have been studied for their effect on aging in the past. (References provided if requested). The most important implication of such experiments is that our BRAIN plays a major role in our aging. Some have looked at hormones provided by our hypothalamus, which again suggests that this brain area may play an important role. And here's one interesting reference I happen to have right at hand: try looking at AV Everitt, JR Walton (eds) REGULATION OF NEUROENDOCRINE AGING, No. 24 in INTERDISCIPLINARY TOPICS IN GERONTOLOGY (ed HP von Hahn). This research has also gone a bit out of fashion, but still deserves to be kept in mind. One simple implication: we're not going to be able to affect our aging if we get our brains transplanted into younger bodies. The younger body will quickly age, while the brain continues to become older. Yes, I know about the various other theories of aging. And what may really turn out is that we'll find different levels, so that we deal with one process causing aging and then because people still age, we find a more underlying process. The simple fact that even calorie restriction gives not agelessness, but the same kind of lifespan curves as normal only shifted to the right a bit, should tell us that aging involves much more than the currently fashionable processes. Best wishes and long long life to all, Thomas Donaldson Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=24437