X-Message-Number: 24582 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: Cryonics Museum Date: Thu, 2 Sep 2004 19:58:21 -0700 Randy posted: "It is a small world indeed. I have discovered that friend of mine used to work as an entertainer at small parties in Manhattan where a gentleman with the last name of Flynn tried to interest very wealthy people in buying his first cryonics machine for $35,500." I have never heard of Flynn nor a "machine" that would be a "cryonics" machine. There was a person named Ed Hope who tried to sell dewars in the early days. Randy said: "I hope to get a video camcorder soon and hope to tape his memories of those early days. Anyone have any suggestions as to where cryonics history is/should be stored?" The Venturists have a library which we hope to turn into a museum someday. We accept cryonics items that deal with the past. David Randolfe H. Wicker Founder, Clone Rights United Front www.clonerights.com Spokesperson, Reproductive Cloning Network, www.reproductivecloning.net Correspondent, Stem Cells Club, www.stemcellsclub.com Advisor, The Immortality Institute, www.imminst.org 201-656-3280 (Mornings) Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1 Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=24582