X-Message-Number: 24697 From: "James Clement" <> References: <> Subject: Marketing Cryonics (formerly Cryonics and Islam) Date: Thu, 23 Sep 2004 07:50:07 -0400 The former Libertarian Presidential candidate, Harry Browne recently blogged the following: "It seems to me that a lot of time is wasted by libertarians who argue whether it's possible to have a society without any government at all. What's the point? Right now, we're $2.3 trillion away from no government and about $2.2 trillion from limited government..." He goes on to suggest that Libertarians work together to reduce government to the billion-dollar range, and then worry about what the right amount should be at that point. I would argue that trying to figure out how to market Cryonics to Muslims (or people in ANY religion) is a waste of time at this point. I find it extremely difficult to even convince atheists/CR/longevity enthusiasts to consider Cryonics, let alone anyone who is deeply religious. The most important targets for immediate membership in Cryonics are people "like us" rather than the public at large. The key to increasing our numbers is finding out the common denominators for the present members, and working from there. For this reason, I have suggested to Alcor and CI that they work on putting together demographic information about their current members so that they can analyze common threads in education, occupation, age, sex, personal interests, etc. for marketing purposes. At this time, no organization runs ads in magazines where we could expect to find potential converts (here's a topic for this forum: which magazines would you target: Wired, Scientific America, Popular Science, Life Extension, etc?). The entrepreneur in me can't help thinking that a lot of potential members simply haven't been given the right information (e.g., how inexpensive signing up for Cryonics really is, and how quickly we're moving towards the technology that would be necessary to make reanimation feasible). I strongly agree with the sentiment that Alcor and CI should not be engaged in one-upmanship. In this regard, it might even be worthwhile to have a separate, NFP Cryonics marketing organization whose sole purpose is to serve as a central clearinghouse for information on Cryonics and publicize the existence of the prominent facilities in the U.S. which offer Cryonics services. It could train and schedule speakers who could be available to discuss Cryonics to various groups, colleges, etc. (most organizations have such speakers lists) and provide other valuable services to promoting Cryonics. Let's use our combined time and energy to figure out constructive ways to promote Cryonics to the people who already lean towards our worldview and leave off-topics to other forums. Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=24697