X-Message-Number: 24749
Date: Sun, 3 Oct 2004 11:09:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Doug Skrecky <>
Subject: 154'th update on fly longevity experiments

     This is the 154'th update of my fly longevity experiments. Average
 temperature was 27.4 C during this run. Estimated maximal longevity using
 the formula (363 - T*11.2) is 56 days.
     Obscure produce is again tested in this run. After starting the last
 run I read that raw fiddleheads are toxic, so this run tests them again,
 but in a cooked condition. An earlier run had tested red cabbage with
 disappointing results. Here I try a hot water extract to see if this
 would make a difference.
     Mold made another unwelcome appearance in this run. Fortunately
 shortly after I started this run, I had at last discovered that one batch
 of my fly food was in fact unusable. Switching to another bag solved this
     No positive results were noted in this run.

 Run #154                 Percent Survival on Day
 supplement             11  16 21 31 37 42 47 53 58 63
 control one           100  90 80 50 37 20 20 20 13  0
 control two           100  88 74 57 48 31 10  5  2  0 (mold)
 fiddleheads 5%        100 100 85 69 39 15  4  0 (mold)
   (cooked) 20%        (destroyed by mold)
 mangosteen, red 4%     96  78 48 22 13  4  4  0  -  -
 mangosteen, red 5%    (destroyed by mold)
 mangosteen, white 5%   93  89 75 46  7  4  0  -  -  -
 mangosteen, white 20%  92  88 76 48 24 12  8  4  0  -
 radicchio 5%           95  95 95 58 42 11  0  -  -  -
 radicchio 20%          (destroyed by mold)
 red cabbage 50%        92  89 81 50 12  0  -  -  -  -
   (extract) 50%        93  93 77 63 30 20 13 10 10  0
 sweet potato 5%        94  81 77 58 26  3  0  -  -  -
  (ordinary) 20%       (destroyed by mold)

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