X-Message-Number: 24831 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: physical immortality possible? Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 20:34:39 -0700 Can a future being live forever? Of course! We who are alive today might have a hard time understanding how, but to those who are alive in 200 or 300 years this understanding will be simple. Immortal people will *know* they are immortal just as we of today know now that the earth is round and it revolves around the Sun. This may sound overly simple, but people did not always know these things. After we find out how to make ourselves physically immortal, we will learn how to prevent any and all accidents and then we will learn how to prevent the universe from winding down (if in fact that is what is happening). Also, people will come to understand that there was no beginning of the world as in the Big Bang theories. There might have been a Big Bang or an infinite amount of bangs, but something has always existed from which other things evolve because we can know two things - something cannot come from nothing, and I know I exist when I merely think about it. From these two undeniable points people can deduce the future physical immortality of mankind (if we can just get past the next 200 years without doing something stupid). Want to know more, read all about it in PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY, the magazine for hard core cryoncists who are not wimpy about what they really desire. Contact John Grigg by mail, send him $24 USA, $30 Canada, or $45 overseas, for a one year subscription (4 issues) of PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY. The latest issue is coming off the press in a few days and will be mailed out right away. John Grigg At the Venturists 11255 State Route 69 Mayer Az 86333 Venture to the Future - be a Venturist David Pizer Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=24831