X-Message-Number: 24975 From: <> Subject: Physical Immortality magazine, 4th quarter of 2004 issue has just Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 10:39:54 -0700 Hello everyone, The 2004 4th Quarter edition of Physical Immortality magazine has just been released, and we are proud of the results. Cover art is by Gina "Nanogirl" Miller, with articles by Mike Perry (Deconstructing Deathism), James B. Lewis (A Rational Gamble For Reanimation), David Pizer (Are Christians Commanded to Opt for Cryonics?, Declaration of Independence from Death), Thomas Donaldson (book review of "Intelligence of Apes and other Rational Beings," Why Cryonics Will Probably Help You More Than Anti-aging Medicine), and Anthony Dawber (Towards a Practical Philosophy of Physical Immortality and Cryonics Culture). This is one of our thicker issues and we also have interviews of Robert Ettinger, Ben Best and Joe Waynick which were expertly done by James Swayze, who is our roving reporter. Yours truly wrote a lighthearted update on activities & personalities at the Creekside Lodge/Ventureville. Thomas Donaldson (a frequent contributor) shared with us a piece of fiction depicting religion in the far future. Dick Pelletier, an Arizona newspaper columnist, allowed some of his columns on technology & society to be reprinted in our magazine. He is a man in the media mainstream who recognizes the oncoming technological advances in a sometimes very transhumanist way. Chrissie de Rivaz in her PI magazine column wrote a thoughtful piece on "seizing the day" and getting the most out of life. Never to be forgotten, in the "First Words" section we gave tribute to Bruce Klein's mother who was recently killed in a tragic auto accident. There is much "meat" and also some "milk" in this issue. I would say the two writings in this issue which engaged me the most were "Why Cryonics Will Probably Help You More Than Anti-aging Medicine" by Thomas Donaldson, and also David Pizer's "Declaration from Death." But we all have our own individual tastes and interests. I suspect the reason why some people do not subscribe to Physical Immortality magazine is that they feel it will not offer anything new but instead simply be more "preaching to the choir." But I honestly believe anyone could find several nuggets of information/insight with the variety of articles, news bits and columns which we offer. And Mike Perry's brief editorial comments (attached to many of the articles) really enhance the reading experience. Mike is one of the true scholars of cryonics and has many insightful things to share. Please consider getting gift subscriptions for any friends or family who you think would appreciate a magazine of this kind. Sometimes when a person sits down to read about something in a friendly magazine format, the subject material opens up for them in a way it might not in normal conversation. PI is written to be very approachable to the reader who is new to cryonics and life extension. I can proudly say several of our "first generation" subscribers have gotten multiple gift subscriptions for their friends and especially family members. I would ask everyone to keep in mind the high costs to the Society for Venturism when it comes to publishing the magazine. And so contributions to defray the high cost would be greatly appreciated. Physical Immortality is a labor of love for us, but if subscription sales and donations do not increase, in time we may cancel it. Please don't let this happen. A donation of even a small amount of money is very much appreciated. How to subscribe: Send a check or money order in the amount of $24.00 (U.S.) or $36.00 (foreign) to: The Society for Venturism 11255 S.S.R. 69 Mayer, Arizona 86333 If not for yourself, get a gift subscription for a friend. Thank you, John Grigg Venturist Advisor and Secretary Managing Editor, Physical Immortality magazine Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=24975