X-Message-Number: 25126
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: Cryofeast
Date: Sun, 21 Nov 2004 12:52:29 -0700

The annual CryoFeast or Turkey Roast will be held at the Creekside Lodge on 
Sunday Dec 12th from noon to 7pm.  Everyone is invited, bring a pot luck dish.  
Call me if you want suggestions.  (Please don't bring alcohol).

To get to the Creekside go north on I-17 from Phoenix to Cordes Junction.  Exit 
there on Highway 69 going northwest for six miles.

Our phone is 928  632-0777 = call if you get lost.

To call me call my cell 602  790-8800.

President Joe Waynick will be having more info soon.

Anyone wanting to spend the night call the Creekside office  (928  632-0777) and
we are giving a 10% discount on rooms or cabins.

David Pizer

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