X-Message-Number: 25155
Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 23:54:48 -0700
From: Mike Perry <>
Subject: Reasons to choose cryonics

In a recent posting I said, "I think there are very good reasons to be 
involved in cryonics," even though I also think that, based on the 
patternist view of survival that I accept, a person can expect an eventual 
return to consciousness regardless. Such a return would, however, require 
filling-in of missing detail by guesswork, so the resulting restoration 
would retain an ersatz character compared to a more straightforward revival 
using preserved information. This and related issues may seem minor but I 
argue in my book that they will be taken seriously by future immortals, 
assuming eternal survival is possible. Aside from the book, another place 
to find a more lengthy discussion of these matters is in my paper on 
(If you check this out, you may also want to look further at the Universal 
Immortalist Website.)

Mike Perry

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