X-Message-Number: 2543 Date: 11 Jan 94 23:45:06 EST From: Mike Darwin <> Subject: CRYONICS Re: The problem of cryonics I think David and I may be saying the same thing on some important points and missing each other in the night over semantic issues. We are certainly agreed that organizational stability is a major problem both perceived and real. However, the issue of doing "organization research" or research on how to create stable or successful organizations doesn't seem to make sense to me. Such research goes on all the time and it is called CORPORATE EVOLUTION. Certainly, there are some good general rules any successful business must follow (be it religious, profit, nonprofit, etc.). Beyond that we find out what works by TRYING it. I know of no other way. I will READILY agree that cryonics could turn into something Scientology- sized and I have spent a fair amount of time speculating on a) the impact of this, and b) how to achieve it. However, even Scientology has its problems and cryonics, unlike Scientology, slams smack dab into the whole structure of the existing medicolegal system. As Thomas Donaldson has indirectly pointed out THAT is the system that has to ultimately change. For example, it has to reform its notion about what to do with (apparently) dead people and adopt an attitude of intense CONSERVATISM about when to give up. Until that happens, cryonics is on a ghastly collision course with the powers that be. That that collision will occur is inevitable unless the state-of-the-art improves. (Here I differ with Thomas.) Although I probably would be willing to concede that an operation run like the Cryonics Institute that deals only with SAFELY dead people, uses only morticians, and does not use any pharmaceuticals or other "medical" things which could get them accused of ACTUALLY BEING medicine could continue to exist "indefinitely" without such a collision. However, there are problems with such an approach not the least of which is that that which constitutes SAFELY dead will get steadily worse (more hopeless) as medicine progresses. There are, of course, many other problems with this approach which I've neither the time nor inclination to go into here. As to the issue of political research: David is mistaken here. When Riverside was selected as the location for Alcor, the absolute shoe-in for coroner was a pleasant and approachable man named Carl Smith. In a complete, last-minute shake-up Mr. Smith didn't get elected (instead he got indicted) because he plead guilty to perjury. He STILL got the majority of the VOTES!!! Enter Mr. Carillo who NO ONE had heard of. As it turned out Carl Smith and Alcor had a productive relationship since Mr. Smith entered the PI business and was retained by Alcor, to some considerable benefit, to snoop and advise for Alcor (a task which he was uniquely suited to doing). When Mr. Carillo came up for re-election Alcor management met with the opposing candidate and was responsible for others contributing substantial sums to his campaign. Alcor's man won. The message here is that politics like nature is unpredictable. My initial meeting with the acting coroner was pleasant and positive. How was I to know the turn of events, and more to the point what was to be done after buying the building and being committed? Also keep in mind our first meetings with Mr. Carillo were not merely positive they were enthusiastic (he thought cryonics was just great until he realized what he could with it). Nor was it all Mr. Carillo's fault. Much blame lies with Rene Modglin the physician who performed the autopsy. When he saw barbiturates in Dora Kent's urine he came to the inevitable (but wrong) conclusion that she was given these premortem. I do not believe Carillo would have dared proceed with Dr. Modglin backing him up. We live, after all, in the real world. And frankly, it is my CONSIDERED opinion that we were LUCKY to have had Mr. Carillo as Riverside County Coroner. The Dora Kent affair could quite possibly (I'll even say PROBABLY) occured anyway. The difference here was that our opposition was subliterate and morally bankrupt. If you can't pick your friends it at least helps to be able to pick your enemies. I only wish I could take the credit in this case! Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=2543