X-Message-Number: 25431
From: "Basie" <>
Subject: DNA expression and you
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 2004 18:41:56 -0500

Some times when people discuss synapses and how these  synapses result in 
our  "essence" they forget that the synapses are made of protein and other 
molecules that are expressed by the DNA of the neurons. Our "essence" is the 
DNA and how it is expressed. This expression = our "essence". All you need 
to live forever is that the expression data (your "essence")is recovered and 
stored. Your body can hypothetically be used to make billions of copies of 
you and have all be buried or  cremated except one if you love yourselve 
that much. Only the expression=you matters. The rest is not important. Let 
go of your body.

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