X-Message-Number: 25932 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: autopsy discussion on Cryonet Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 09:57:24 -0700 More comments on autopsy. When President Bridge and I were getting ready to move Alcor to the Phoenix/Scottsdale area we were concerned about autopsy. We met with the medical examiner. He told us that there are some cases where he is mandated by law to do an autopsy. However, he said there were types or degrees or autopsy. At that time, he promised that any Alcor patient would be given the minimal evasive type of autopsy. The same type he gave organ donars. That means no cutting the brain unless it can not be helped (to retrieve a bullet for instance). Also Alcor patients would be done first if he had several to do. In some cases, he told us, the autopsy would merely involve looking at the body. Whether he would still honor all this after at this later time I can't say. But it seems it would be good for Alcro to contact him and see if this still holds. Of course, this type of relationship can be attempted by any citizen who is cares to try it in their own county or state. Another thing would be for Alcor and/or CI and/or other individuals or organizations to work to avoid autopsy altogether for cryonics members. Try to get a law passed. There is no doubt in my mind that a cryonics patient has a right to a speedy suspension. It's getting past the lower courts that would be expensive. Once at the Supreme Court how could they put the rights of the state to catch a killer (for instance) over the rights of the victim to have life? If some energetic person or group would want to spearhead this, I would be glad to offer any help. I would like to be part of a legal attempt to try to protect our right to life. David Pizer Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=25932