X-Message-Number: 26027 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: Who pays Date: Fri, 15 Apr 2005 10:51:34 -0700 Basie asked: "About a month ago I was in the hospital for 5 days. The hospital bill was about $49000.00. This made me think. Who is going to pay the hospital bill in the future when a patient is taken out of suspension? Clearly unless there is money on the table no hospital is going to cooperate. Shouldn't there be medical insurance for the future?" There is something better! When Alcor collects the money for doing a suspension the money goes into two different pots (putting it simply). Part of the proceeds go to pay for the actual preparation of the body, to get it protected from the cold of long term storage. This is the cost of doing the standby, and the cost of the perfusion and getting the body cooled down and into the dewar. The other part of the initial proceeds goes into the Patient Care Trust Fund to pay for keeping the patient stored over the long time that it will take for technology to be advanced to be able to reanimate the patient some day. This fund is seperated from Alcor's regular funds and managed by a different set of people. The patients' trust fund money is not *used up* keeping the patient in storage. But only some of the *interest* (or annual gain) from the principle is used to keep the patient in storage, the rest of the interest goes back into the principle of the trust fund so that the principle should grow a little each year, so that more gain in the balance is created in each future year. The trust fund keeps getting bigger because it keeps getting bigger. All of the patients' money is pooled into one big pot. It keeps growing every year and Alcor publishes those figures from time to time. In this theory, there will come a time when a powerful technology is created and most of the patients can be reanimated. That is the time when money may be needed to pay for this -- as your question asks about. However we need to remember, if Alcor is reanimating the patients they also no longer need the money to keep the patients frozen at that time. So they can use the trust money to reanimate the patients. If there is money left over, and I project there will be, that excess money might be used to help the newly reanimated patients get re-educated and back into socitey. There is a second benefit to keeping the patients' money separate from Alcor's regular funds. Some people think this seperation (and the conditions about managing it) create a wall of protection if Alcor should get sued: Alcor has it's money and the patients have their money. If Alcor screws up somehow, it doesn't seem right to take money from the innocent patients. One might speculate that the cost of reanimating frozen patients will be very very small. The technology expected to be used is not a labor-intensive technology like what you experienced in your 5 days in the hospital. Simply put, perhaps it will merely consist of something like putting the patients in a big microwave-like device and at the same time introducing tiny nanobots that will do the work while, perhaps, a medical person looks in from time to time. I mentioned above that I thought "most" of the patients will be reanimated some day. Actually I believe that all the patients will some day be reanimated. However, there will be degrees of originalness that they contain. Patients that went into suspension with the most amout of their original brain well-preserved will come out the most like they were when they went in. Patients who had less of their original amount of brain matter, original positioning, and intact structure preserved will need value-added technology to create a best guess at creating what is missing. But we are all coming home some day. Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=26027