X-Message-Number: 26194
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: Safe Location
Date: Wed, 18 May 2005 09:36:41 -0700

Henry R Hirsch said:
        "I believe that we stand a good chance of revival from cryonic 
suspension if we are not destroyed by war or civil insurrection.
Services provided currently by our cryonics organizations are highly 
vulnerable to physical destruction and to interruption of liquid nitrogen 
supplies. We should move our facilities at least 100 miles from any large 
cities and equip them with power generators, a one-year or greater supply 
of fuel, and their own liquid nitrogen plants. "

Most experts say it is no longer a matter of *if* major U.S. cities will be 
attacked, but only *when* they will be attacked.  The biggest danger to cryonics
storage facilities today is if they are located in major cities.  Yet no one 
seems to talk about this or do any planing or cost figuring.

Alcor could sell its present building for enough money to build a better, safer,
cryonics building 50 miles or so out of the Phoenix area.  Since there is 
enough money in the value of the present building, this move to a safer area 
would cost Alcor nothing.  In addition to using the money to build a safer, and 
more secure structure, Alcor could construct the new building on a 20 acre 
parcel and restrict access.

David Pizer

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