X-Message-Number: 26372
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: Ethics of Immortality
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2005 11:24:10 -0700

FlAVONIOD:  Few religionists take "eternal life" seriously.

PIZER:  I just do buy this.  How do you arrive at this concept?  Do you have any
numbers from some source?

I don't have any numbers from any reporting source, but I have talked to many 
people who believe in god and heaven.  Most of them Christians of some sort or 
others.  They report to me that they are going to Heaven when they die.  And for
that reason alone they don't need cryoncics.

FLAVONIOD:  So no, I do not buy into the notion that it is a deeply-held faith 
in a 
religious eternal life that is keeping the general public from accepting 
cryonics.  They do not accept cryonics for the same reason they also do not 
really solidly accept a spiritual life after death.  The reason is that 
there is no proof, so far, that either type of immortality is achievable.

PIZER:  If you have over (or near) a billion Christians who want an afterlife in
Heaven and think they are going to get it; and if they were not guaranteed such
an afterlife by their church would probably seek it elsewhere, even if that is 
all the people we are talking about, that is still a significant number and even
if it is just one person who loses out on the possible virtual, eternal life of
cryonics because of faith in a religion that turns out false, that is one too 

So my take on your response is not so much that you have any advice about how to
fix the problem, but that you don't even believe a problem exists.

Thanks for your comments.

David Pizer

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