X-Message-Number: 26423
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: Joe don't build straw men, please.
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2005 12:57:47 -0700

JOE SAID:    This religious question always seem to center around how big and/or
popular churches are, how much money they make, and the fact that they
are tax exempt. Why is this so important to cryonicists? Are we so
desperate for attention that we are willing to pick a fight with goliath

DAVID:  Looks real good in print but what has all this babble got to do with the
fact that promises made by religions may be causing people to lose their chance
at long life?  I did not address any of the points that Joe mentions above.  
ALL I am worried about is that religions may be causing people to lose a chance 
at eternal of long life.

JOE SAID:   Still, what religion "guarantees" eternal life? None that I know of,
and I go to church a lot.

DAVID:  Are you saying that the religion you participate in does not have a 
Heaven where people can life forever if they follow the rules of your religion?
If you are saying that then your religion is different from most Christian 
religions that I am familiar with.

Joe, you are under a big misunderstanding.  I do not hate religions.  I do not 
want to attack religions.  I  only want them to stop guaranteeing eternal life 
up in Heaven to their followers as long as there is the cryonics options.  I 
don't even want them to stop trying for eternal life in Heaven, I just don't 
want them to guarantee it, in case there is no Heaven and in case cryonics 


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