X-Message-Number: 26436 From: "David Pizer" <> Subject: Reply to Basie Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2005 09:58:48 -0700 BASIE SAID: Cryonics can only help those that are suspended properly. This means that death will always be there. This nonsense of some Utopia in the future where every one is happy thanks to futuristic medicine should be stopped. DAVID: I do not think that anyone of cryonet has ever made the claim "everyone in the future will be happy thanks to futuristic medicine." I also think that the evidence shows that things do get better overall over time. If we on this forum did not believe that would we be signed up to try to obtain more life in the future. BASIE SAID: It also means that religion will always be there as a force to reckon with whether one likes it or not. DAVID: Even if that were true, would that be a good reason for us not to try to correct any wrong claims they may be making? BASIE: We are in the future now. Doctors can not even cure a simple virus condition. More will evolve in the future. DAVID: Are you claiming that medicine has not made termendous advances and will do even more in the future? BASIE SAID: Lets not forget the socialist atheists in the Soviet Union and other countries murdered more people than the Christians did. So much for the idea that atheist are good people. DAVID: Even if this were true would that be a good reason not to try to make things better? I don't see what you are trying to say here. if you are saying that everything is not perfect and that is a good reason to quit trying to make things better, then you you are just plain wrong. Content-Type: text/html; [ AUTOMATICALLY SKIPPING HTML ENCODING! ] Rate This Message: http://www.cryonet.org/cgi-bin/rate.cgi?msg=26436