X-Message-Number: 26450
From: "David Pizer" <>
Subject: Good News
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 08:48:53 -0700

Good News -  I think I have received enough information to make some decisions.
Here is a recap of the advice that I received on Cryonet and in private:

Most cryoncists seem to only be worried about the potential response from 
religions (if I were to try to take them to task on how the advertize the 
benefits of joining their religions).  There seems to be a great fear of 
religions and what they can do.  (I understand this fear, after all some people 
[in the name of religion]  used to set opponets on fire and do other nasty 
things to them).

The early rounds of criticism and advice that I received was not on point.  The 
first responders often misquoted me or responded to things that I never said. 
This was a pure emotional response.   This was helpful because it caused to to 
restate my argument several times until I was able to express myself more 
clearly.  The very latest criticisms and advice from yesterday are much more 

I was extremely dissappointed that no one responded with something like ---  
"Yes it is a sad problem that how religions are advertizing their products may 
be causing their followers to lose out on what the religions wants them to have 
- extended life."  No one seemed to care about that.  All they cared about was 
what might happen to them (us), if we even mentioned any of this outside this 

Conclusion:  I am still very unhappy about how religions are advertizing their 
products.  I think it does (and will continue to) cause some people to not sign 
up for cryonics.

I think it is a huge wrong that they are doing.  But, perhaps, this is not the 
best time to take on religions head on.  Maybe there are some other ways to get 
this message to them and then hope there are some decent, open minded leaders in
those religions who will consider all this and take some corrective actions.  
The sad thing is that while we are waiting, people are dying that are not 
getting frozen.  And, if we took action that might change.  But then, as most of
your expressed, it might change for the worse.

I really want to thank everyone who submitted advice.   Your comments have been 
very helpful in helping me to better express my my intentions. I havn't seen 
anything to change my mind about how I feel about the wrong religions are doing,
but I have reconsidered my timing and am thinking of other ways of proceding 
without using the courts.

Thanks again for your help.

David Pizer 

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