X-Message-Number: 26462
Subject: Sue Religion? 
Date: Sat, 2 Jul 2005 07:17:16 GMT

   Speaking personally (not for CI), I want to voice my
opposition to Dave Pizer's suggestion to sue religion
over promises of immortality. 

    I have previously expressed the opinion that presenting
"physical immortalism" as an alternative to religion is the 
equivalent to wearing a "Kill Me" sign. Now Dave wants a huge
"Kill Me" sign with flashing neon lights that can be worn in
the center of an al-Qaeda training camp. Worse, at the center
of the bullseye is not Dave Pizer, but cryonics -- all of 
our patients, members and supporters. 

    Cryonics has recently avoided a brush with death at the 
hands of the governments of Arizona and Michigan. We are a
tiny minority struggling to survive. We desperately need 
friends & allies, not more enemies. Our best chance of survival
at this time may well be to remain unworthy of serious
attention. Where would a cryonicist with a death wish look
to find the fiercest potential enemies? 

    Do most cryonicists not know from personal experience 
that the most vehement opposition and hostility we face 
comes from people who imagine that cryonics is in conflict
with God's will? Should we not make efforts to convince 
these potential opponents that there are no real grounds
for this presumed conflict -- or at minimum not to 
inflame them? Does a chipmunk improve its chances of 
survival by attacking a bear and biting it on the leg?

    There are certain experiments which prudent people 
do not perform. I will not drive a long nail through my
head in order to study the effects. If Dave were totally
dissociated from cryonics he could bear the full 
responsibility for his actions. But instead he presents
himself as a spokesperson for cryonics, despite the fact
that CryoNetters have overwhelmingly repudiated his 
spokesmanship. To so recklessly endanger the lives of 
our members and patients is criminal negligence. 

     Dave, if you've got money to blow on a lawsuit, 
why not use it for something constructive like a hospice
or retirement community for cryonicists. Those were great
ideas for which you had our admiration and support. I 
cannot think of a way to convince you that the risks of 
your lawsuit are great and the probability of a positive
result is minuscule. 

       -- Ben Best, speaking for

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