X-Message-Number: 26855
Date: Sat, 20 Aug 2005 15:04:19 EDT
Subject: Uploading technology (1.iii.1) The presynaptic simulation.

Uploading technology (1.iii.1) The presynaptic simulation.

The  branching axon end into un number of presynaptic buttons. Here, the 

action  potential is translated into one or more neurotransmitters. In most 
there  is only one "classical" transmitter for excitatory synapses and two or 
more for  inhibitory ones. The general working is that the action potential 
produce a  membrane depolarization at the button level, this open up some ion 
channels  producing an influx of Ca++ ions. These activate a chain of protein  

conformational change ending into the fusion with the cell membrane of vesicles
 loaded with something as 3,000 neuromediator molecules.

On the  presynaptic button, there are a number of Vesicle Release Site : VRS. 
At most it  seems there are 7 VRS.

For inhibitory presynaptic buttons, there  are two vesicle kinds : The small 
and large ones. The small ones contain only  the main neuromediator and are 

released by "ordinary" action potentials. The  large ones are loaded with a mix
of the main neuromediator and another one, in  most case a polypeptide. This 

second messenger is a modulator of the action of  the first.. Large vesicle are
released by long action potential or repetitive  neuron firing.

At each vesicle fusion site, the action potential  acts in a probabilistic 
way. There may be for example a 7% probability release  at each site, giving a 
global propability of 56% for at least one vesicle  release if there are 7 
sites. This global probability is defined as  P.

Depending on the number and kind of ion channel activated, there  may be some 
catalytic effect on the outcome of an action potential comming after  one or 
more in a given time. It would be very difficult to simulate these ionic  

currents in an electronics device. The global effects can be reproduced by six
exponential functions acting on the probability P :

1/  F1 :  The facilitation 1 boost the probability with a decay time near 50 
ms. That is,  if an action potential produce a x 2 advantage for the next 

after 0 second   (100% increase), this will be reduced, if that second AP comes
after 50  milliseconds, to 1/e or near 36%.

2/ F2 : There is another  facilitation with a decay time near 300 ms.

3/ A : after that,  there is an augmentation with decay time in the 7 - 10 
seconds  range.

4/ Pot : Finally, there is the potentiation with decay time  in the tens of 

5/ Ds : These can be counteracted by the  short time depression with seconds 
to minutes time constant.

6/ Dl  : Or the long time depression with a time constant similar to the 
potentiation  one.

For each function three parameters must be provided  :

1/ The increment after each action potential.
2/ The decay  time constant.
3/ A multiplicative parameter of the decay  exponential.

Not all neurons display these six functions, so there  must be a mask giving 
the active ones for a given neuron.

The  action potential is received as a two bits "word". 
00 for no AP.
01 for  "ordinary" (short) AP.
10 and 11 long APs.

The long APs produce  an instantaneous and punctual probability 

amplification. Depending on the AP, a  compressed train of 01, a 10 or a 11 AP, 
there will 
be different amplification  values mult-P with release of a second messenger 
for 10 and 11 in inhibitory  synapses.

The probability P may be seen as a product : P = P0 x (P1  + P2 + ... + P6). 
P0 is the basic probability of neurotransmitter release when  there is an 

action potential of the 01 kind. P1,...,P6 are the added probability  linked to
facilitations, amplification, and so on.

Now, not all  release sites may start with the same P0, There may be two or 
three values, for  example : 10%, 2% and 0%. The 10% ones would handle most of 
the 01 AP, when  there is a high frequency firing, mult-P would act mostly on 
the 2% batch and  the 0% lot would be activated only if there is a 10 or 11 AP.

If  the P value remains well above or under P0 for a long time, long, as 

counted in  units of F1,F2,... decay, then P0 may be readjusted. There must be a
computing  parameter L, an adjust constant Alpha and a threshold T for each of 
the F1,  F2,...,Dl. This may be a form of long term potentiation, even if most 
LTP  effects come from the dendritic level.

When a neuron fire an action  potential, a part of it may back propagate in a 
subsample of the dendritic tree.  There is a possible effect from the 
postsynaptic back potential to the  presynaptic potential. An AP may then be 

amplified by the back potential comming  at the same time. This cooperative 

would be an implementation of the  Ebbian rule : Neurons that fire toghether get
stronger links. Here, the back  propagation facilitated 01 AP could look and 

work as a 10 or 11 AP, driving P  well above its normal value. After some time,
that would produce a P0  readjustment.

Here I add two reflexions : 
First, in preceeding  messages of the "2" kind, I have described the basic 

mathematical tools used to  simulate neurons. There detailled simulations at the
currents or molecular level  give a model such the exponential decay of 

facilitation or the multiplicative  consequence of long action potential. The 
mathematical setting is no more  used on the practical electronics neuron when 
there is such a model.
Second,  even the simplified result to be implemented in electronics is far 
more complexe  and versatile than the first neuron idea from McCulloch and 

W.Pitts. One neuron  is not a simple logic gate, it is a full microprocessor, 
if its  "technology" is far from the present day microprocessors powering a 
personnal  computer.

Yvan Bozzonetti.

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