X-Message-Number: 26878
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:11:51 EDT
Subject: Uploading technology (1.iv.1) The synaptic cleft.  

Uploading technology (1.iv.1) The synaptic cleft.

At first, it  is simply an empty space between the presynaptic button at the 
axon end and the  postsynaptic dendrite part. The first hint that there may be 
something comes  from the difference in gap distance between excitatory and 
inhibitory synaptic  clefts. Inhibitory synapses use a large repertory of 

second messengers such  polypeptides. These have no reuptake systems and so are
free to diffuse at a  distance outside the synapse. This is not simply a 

background noise. One neuron  could modulate the action of other neurons sending
terminal in the same  area by amplifying or reducing the target neuron 
sensitivity to a given  neurotransmitter. Some synapse clefs may be "leaky" by 

desing, a synapse could  even have as main task to be a regional distributor of
second  messengers.

In a simulation, the synaptic cleft may be so endowed  with a leak parameter.

Another property may be the back propagation  of uncommon neurotransmitter 
from the postsynaptic side to the presynaptic one.  The NO and CO gas seem to 
work in that direction. A narrow clef would be useful  here, contrairy to the 
leaking case. When some high activity brings an amplified  P0 release 

probability for a long time, it could be best to amplify the  postsynaptic 
by growing here more receptors. Here must then be a  signal telling the 

presynaptic side to reduce the number of active release  sites. The decay of old
postsynaptic channels could then be coupled with the gas  release, telling the 
other side that P0, the basic probability of vesicle  release must be reduced.

In the electronics simulation, this will  translate into a threshold gated 
back signal to P0.

When a neuron  fire an action potential, a part back propagate in some 

elements of the  dendritic tree, that may contribute to the depolarization of 
synapses,  particularly the ones on dendritic spines. By a capacitive effect, 
there may be  an hyperpolarization of the presynaptic membrane or a 

depolarization by  conduction. Depending on the conductivity of the cleft 
medium, one or 
the other  effect may predominate. Assume the conduction win the contest, 

there will be a  predepolarization of the button by back propagated AP. If a new

AP gets there at  that instant, it will be amplified. This is an implementation
of the Hebbian  rule that neuron firing toghether gets more strongly linked.

There  is no need to compute the back propagation of the action potential at 
each  computing cycle, it suffice to create a Hebb parameter for each synaptic 
button.  The back propagation giving the parameter value is computed only one 
time at the  start. After that, each time the postsynaptic neuron fire an AP, 
the Hebb  parameter is activated some milliseconds later. To be sure, that 

activation  could be canceled by a down stream GABA-A synapse activation cutting
the back  propagation.

It has been pointed out that a uploaded brain on an  electronics support 

would have no emotion, no hormonal feeling. In fact,  hormones work as 
neuromediators at the inhibitory GABA synapses,  entering it at the cleft 
border. This is the reverse path of the diffusing  peptide disperser. These 
synapses may have an hormonal entry  parameter.

To summarize, four parameters have been linked to the  synaptic cleft domain: 
Peptide diffusion outside the cleft, gas diffusion inside  the cleft space, 
electric effects defined by an Hebbian parameter and hormones  entry in the 

Another set of parameters may be worked out  in the same way in the 

electronics domain, even if on the biological side, it is  something really 
This is about gap junction or "electric  synapses". These are channels 

between cell membranes in direct contact. There  are tens of such trans-membrane

molecular complexes and one complete channel is  built from two such complexes,
one for each membrane, the number of potential  combination is so in the 
hundreds at least.

Contrairy to "real"  synapses, gap junction don't produce any signal 

amplification, only direct  coupling from a cell to another. On a broad basis, 
channels can be divided  into a number of classes:
1/ The large ones, without electric selectivity: They are a gate for  

molecules with mass up to one kilo Dalton (1000 nuclear mass units), for example
simplest amino-acid glycine is in the sixty daltons range. cAMP, ATP,  

Adenosine are neuromodulators able to take that path. The channel may be  
between two neurons or use a nearby glial cell as an intermediary.  These 

channels are two ways and so there may be a retroaction from the post  synaptic
side to the presynaptic one.

2/ The electric ones, for  smaller molecules and ions, there are three main 
a) They may or  may not be anion - cation selective.
b) They may or may not be rectifying (  let the current flow in one direction 
only, as seen in an electronics  diode).
c) They may open at a given potential threshold between the two  membranes.

As an example, assume an action potential at a  presynatic button falls to 

elicit a neurtransmitter release, simply because this  process is governed by a
probability function. A set of gap junctions could  neverthless send to the 

postsynaptic side a partial depolarising signal. If this  is an isolated event,
there will be nothing more, it will be lost in the  background noise. On the 
other side, if some nearby synapses have fired a  postsynaptic potential (PSP) 
in the dendrite at the same time, the  depolarisation back propagating in the 
postsynaptic part may be combined with  the gap junction potential and the sum 
may then trigger the Na+ or Ca++  potential sensitive channels, so the 
synapse would fire a PSP even without any  neuromediator!

Another possibility, using rectifying property would  be a dendrite back 
propagating signal turnig a brief, weak AP at the presynaptic  level into a 
strong, long one. There is also the opposite effect : The dendrite  potential 
reducing the presynaptic firing probability or even forbiding  it.

These may turn out quite involved: There are synapses on spines  with 

excitatory properties controled by a GABA-A inhibitory one. A back  propagating
dendrite current could then silence the GABA-A  silencer!

Gap junctions are not limited to "true synapse"  periphery, they may be 

distributed directly on the dendrite trees and modulate  their properties. This 
true too for the cell's soma body. The soma potential  may be distributed to 
tens of nearby cells, may be 20 to 50. This would alter  their basic potential 
and so their AP firing probability. This can produce  strong collective 
activity, excitatory or inhibitory.

Yvan  Bozzonetti.

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