X-Message-Number: 27198
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2005 12:45:49 +0200
From: Eugen Leitl <>
Subject: [[ccm-l] Mystery of arteriolar O2 release solved]

[forwards snipped] 

Nitric Oxide Found To Control Oxygen Delivery  To Tissues; Findings Could 
Lead To Therapies For Diseases Of Heart, Lung,  Blood

DURHAM, N.C. -- Dr. Jonathan Stamler and his colleagues at Duke University  
Medical Center shook up conventional views of how blood delivers oxygen last  
year when they discovered hemoglobin also distributes nitric oxide. Now they  
have put the pieces of the oxygen-delivery puzzle back together by solving 
three  apparent paradoxes that have left scientists perplexed for years.  
The researchers report in the June 27 issue of the journal Science that  

hemoglobin is an exquisitely tuned biosensor that adjusts blood flow to provide
exactly the right amount of oxygen to tissues and organs. The research was  

funded by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the Pew Charitable
Trust. Working with Stamler were Duke researchers Li Jia, Jerry Eu, Timothy  
McMahon, Ivan Demchenko, Kim Gernert, Joseph Bonaventura and Dr. Claude  
"Most doctors believe blood flow is regulated by the expansion or contraction 
 of the blood vessels themselves," said Stamler, the study's lead 

investigator.  "But we've shown that hemoglobin in the blood itself can sense 
how much 
oxygen a  tissue needs and change blood flow to meet that need."  
The findings may open up a whole new avenue of treatment for diseases such as 
 stroke and heart attacks, in which blocked blood vessels are deprived of 

oxygen,  or tissue injury after balloon angioplasty, in which reopened arteries
can get  too much oxygen too quickly, Stamler said.  
In addition, the findings have implications for treatment of sickle cell  
disease, lung injury and development of effective blood substitutes, the  

researchers say. For example, the current generation of blood substitutes behave
though the tissue is getting too much oxygen, and actually decrease oxygen  

delivery to tissues to compensate. A thorough understanding of how blood senses
oxygen content in tissues could help researchers design more effective  
"We are beginning to understand that hemoglobin is designed to deliver  
precisely the right amount of life-sustaining oxygen where it's needed," said  
Piantadosi, a circulatory physiologist.  
Mechanically, the body regulates blood flow by changing the width of blood  

vessels; rings of muscle in the vessel wall can expand or contract to increase
or decrease blood flow. Scientists thought this process was controlled by  

hormones and other factors in the lining of the blood vessel wall, said Stamler.
 And they are right -- hormones such as adrenaline can cause vessels to 
dilate or  constrict in response to stress or excitement, he says.  
But over the past several years scientists have further refined their  

understanding to show that hormones and other factors work by using nitric oxide
(NO), long known as a noxious gas in the atmosphere. They believe that NO is  
released by cells on the inside of vessel walls, where it migrates to nearby  
muscle cells and relaxes them, opening the vessel.  
Now Stamler and his colleagues found that hemoglobin in red blood cells --  

not the vessel wall -- actually plays the major role in regulating blood flow.
It does so by changing shape and releasing a souped-up molecule of nitric 

oxide  called s-nitrosothiol (SNO), which it carries along with oxygen, through

the  blood stream. Thus, hemoglobin simultaneously releases SNO to dilate blood
 vessels and delivers oxygen to nourish tissue. When oxygen levels are high,  
hemoglobin scavenges excess oxygen and NO, constricting blood vessels and  
reducing blood flow.  
The findings also provide an explanation for a long-standing paradox. In  

1959, Dr. Max Perutz and his colleagues solved the three-dimensional structure
of hemoglobin, showing each hemoglobin molecule carries four oxygen molecules  
when it leaves the lung. In the tissue, hemoglobin changes shape, allowing it 
to  release the oxygen. But, on average, it returns to the lung still carrying 
three  oxygen molecules. Thus, hemoglobin did not seem to be efficiently 
releasing  oxygen.  
Other studies show hemoglobin paradoxically loses most of its oxygen before  
it reaches the capillaries. It has always been a mystery why most of the 

oxygen  is lost in flow controlling arteries and is shunted back to the lung 
 hemoglobin completes its trip through the tissues, Stamler said. Textbooks 
gloss  over the paradox entirely, he said, and teach that oxygen release 
happens in  capillaries.  
"I'm a cardiologist and pulmonologist, and neither I, nor my colleagues had  
any idea when we embarked on this project last year that most oxygen is not  

released in the capillaries," Stamler said. "Our studies explain why hemoglobin
 releases much of its oxygen in the small flow-controlling arteries that feed 
 capillary beds, not in the capillaries themselves."  
The loss of oxygen is a switch that releases nitric oxide in the arteries to  
dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow so that the remaining oxygen can 
be  delivered to tissue. Then, on the return trip to the lungs, the oxygen 

that was  lost in the arteries is recaptured in the veins, giving the appearance
of  inefficient oxygen delivery.  
"This makes complete sense," Stamler added, "if one appreciates that blood  
flow is the major determinant of oxygen delivery."  
The researchers measured blood flow and oxygen concentration in several  

regions of rat brain while the rats breathed air with varying oxygen levels.  
showed that hemoglobin releases SNO in the small arteries that regulate  
blood flow, thus promoting oxygen delivery. When the animals breathed oxygen  
under higher air pressure, oxygen levels increased in tissue, and hemoglobin  
compensated by halting SNO release and contracting blood vessels.  
The finding also clears up another puzzle. In test tube experiments,  

hemoglobin scavenges NO and constricts blood vessels. Yet in the body,  
does not have this effect under normal conditions.  
"This tendency to constrict blood vessels seems to oppose hemoglobin's job of 
 delivering oxygen," Stamler said. "Our findings explain why hemoglobin 

doesn't  constrict blood vessels in the body. It releases NO in the arteries to
counteract the NO it scavenges."  
The findings build on previous research, published in the March 21, 1996,  

issue of the British journal Nature, by Stamler and colleagues, which showed for
 the first time that nitric oxide, combined with hemoglobin, is a major 
regulator  of gas exchange in the circulatory system.  
The research should help pharmaceutical companies design more effective blood 
 substitutes and NO-based therapeutics, Stamler said. Specifically, an  

understanding of hemoglobin's relationship with NO could help in designing a new
generation of oxygen and NO delivery molecules for treating the damage caused  
when tissue is deprived of oxygen, as in heart disease and stroke, and the 

many  diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, in which ineffective oxygen delivery
or NO  delivery underlies the disease, he said.

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Eugen* Leitl <a href="http://leitl.org">leitl</a>
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